Top 2% of Universities

UCC is ranked in the 2% of universities worldwide according to the major World University Rankings Services, with many disciplines noted in the subject rankings.
For example, in the 2018 edition of the QS World University Rankings, University College Cork was ranked as 283 in the world (out of approximately 26,000 universities).
UCC has increased its number of subjects that feature in the top tier of QS rankings. These 16 UCC subject areas include Archaeology; Biological Sciences; Chemistry; Computer Science & Information Systems; Education; English Language & Literature; Environmental Sciences; Engineering (Chemical); Engineering (Electrical & Electronic); Law; Medicine; Modern Languages; Nursing and Midwifery; Pharmacy and Pharmacology; Physics and Astronomy; and Sociology. What subjects interest you?
In particular, if you're interested in Medicine, UCC's Schools of Nursing & Midwifery and Pharmacy & Pharmacology have been credibly ranked in the QS top 100 subject rankings.
The excellent performance of the University in QS World University Rankings along with the recent award of The Sunday Time University of the Year 2017 testifies to UCC’s quality, values and success. Experience it for yourself.