UCC scientists contribute to breakthrough in virus fight

University College Cork scientists have contributed to an exciting discovery which offers a ray of hope for future inhibition of the Covid-causative virus, including Covid-19.
The team, led by John Atkins, worked with the ETH Institute in Zurich to identify a weakness in a mechanism on which the virus depends to reproduce.
This is something that pharmaceutical companies could potentially exploit to create a pill or other medication to halt the virus, hopes Prof Atkins.
“I’ve been working on this phenomenon for a number of decades,” he said, referring to his work on the mechanism at Trinity College, in the US, and for over 21 years in UCC.
“It is satisfying to get such structural information which I thought wouldn’t happen in my lifetime, let alone that I would be involved in it.”
Special congratulations to our international stduent Pramod Bhatt. Read full story, courtesy of the Irish Examiner.