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Welcome from President


Many thanks for your interest in a career at University College Cork (UCC).

Founded in 1845, UCC is one of Ireland's oldest institutions of higher education. Our historic campus is situated in a global tourist destination, and serves a community that is both local and global. In 2021 UCC was ranked 8th in the world for impact by the Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, and has been named Sunday Times Irish University of the Year a record breaking five times. In 2010, UCC was the first third level education institution worldwide to receive the Green Campus award, and we still proudly fly our Green Flag over the magnificent quad following continued successful renewals. UCC has held a top ten place in the UI GreenMetric World University Rankings since 2010 and is now ranked 9th in the world for sustainability. UCC has held a bronze Athena SWAN award since 2016, and nine Schools and Departments hold departmental-level awards at bronze level.

UCC is the leading Irish University for Industry collaboration and is the leading Irish university for seeking and securing investment in Research and Development. Several leading Irish Research Centres and Institutes are based in UCC including Tyndall National Institute, APC Microbiome Ireland, Environmental Research Institute (ERI), and the Centre for Marine Renewable Energy Ireland (MaREI) and ISS21. 

UCC is the top higher institution in Ireland for Graduate Employability and our alumni excel in every walk of life across the world. Our true strength lies in the people who work and study here and UCC’s student body of almost 23,000 includes over 3,500 international students from more than 100 countries across all continents. Of the almost 3,000 professionals employed at UCC, over one third of academic staff have come from overseas. UCC is a university of inclusion, and the diversity of our staff and students is key to realising our mission to “create, understand and share knowledge and apply it for the good of all.” As we build on our 175-year history and work to secure our future, we remain a student-centred, connected university, committed to sustainability, community and international engagement and to equality, diversity and inclusion.  

These webpages contain information which I hope will be useful and informative should you be selected to attend for interview here in Cork. I trust that your experience of our recruitment process will be a positive one and I thank you, again, for considering a career at University College Cork.

Best wishes

Professor John O’Halloran


People & Culture Department

An Roinn Daoine agus Cultúir

Ground Floor, Block E, Food Science Building, UCC
