Energy projects come together for EUSEW18
A number of Horizon 2020 projects, concerned with the social science and humanities (SSH) aspects of energy combined to develop an interesting workshop which was delivered during the recent EU Sustainable Energy Week 2018 in Brussels.
The workshop session held on 7 Jun, was entitled ‘Learning from experience and involving energy-citizens; ways of improving energy-related policymaking’ and was moderated by Robert Goodchild (INEA)
The session brought together partners from multiple European Energy projects funded within the Horizon 2020 programme to share their latest results, concrete experiences and raise discussions about the design of energy efficiency policies and their impacts. The ENTRUST project was represented by its coordinator UCC's Dr Niall Dunphy.
Dr Dunphy's contribution to the proceedings was a presentation on the problematic framing of people as (simply) consumers within the energy domain, this led to interesting dicussions and continued engagement.
Note: Particpating projects included: ENTRUST, ECHOES, ENABLE.EU, ENERGISE, REScoop PLUS