UCC invited speaker at EU Citizens' Energy Forum
UCC's Dr Niall Dunphy was an invited speaker at the 10th EU Citizens' Energy Forum held 20-21 September in Dublin Castle.
The forum focused on the interaction of consumers with the energy market. In considering this it particularly examined three aspects
- The role of consumers in the context of the measures proposed by the ‘Clean energy for all Europeans’ package and the ‘New Deal for Consumers’ package;
- Novel business models for the consumer retail market;
- Innovative solutions for consumer engagement and communication.
Dr Dunphy's talk focused on understanding the human dimension of ‘energy consumers’ - he challenged the approach of conisdering energy consumption in isolation from daily living practices, and paradoxically he posited that developing effective consumer engagement strategies in the energy domain necessitates conceiving them as more than just consumers of a commodity.
Note: The Citizens' Energy Forum is organised annually by the European Commission, the 2018 edition, the first to be held in Ireland, was organised in collaboration with the Commission for Regulation of Utilities, Ireland’s independent energy and water regulator.
The conclusions of the 2018 Citizens' Energy Forum can be found here.