Books, Book Chapters and Patents
Arendt EK and Dal Bello F (eds) (2008). Gluten-free Food and Beverages. Academic Press – Elsevier. ISBN978-0-12-373739-7.
Arendt EK and Dal Bello F (eds) (2009). Science of Gluten-free Food and Beverages. AACC Publishers, New York. ISBN 978-1-891127-67-0.
Arendt EK and Zannini (2013). Cereal grains for the food and beverage industry. Woodhead Publishing, ISBN 978-1-84569-563-7.
Book Chapters
Wolf G, Arendt EK and Hammes WP (1990). Nitrat- und Nitritreduktion durch Laktobazillen - eine Möglichkeit zur Senkung des Nitratgehaltes bei Lebensmittln (Nitrate and nitrite reduction by lactic acid bacteria - one possibility to reduce the nitrate content in food).”Lebensmittel-gesunde Ernährung". Edited by K Gierschner & A Kohler, Verlag Markgraf, Weikersheim.
Kicherer M, Schneider T and Arendt EK. (1990) Methoden zur biologischen Säurereduzierung in Wein (Methods to reduce the acid level in wine). "Lebensmittel-gesunde Enährung",. Edited by K Gierschner & A Kohler, Verlag Margraf, Weikersheim.
Marmion G, Strachotta T, and Arendt EK. (2000). Optimisation of enzyme activity in a mixed barley/malt brew using biological acidification. “Enzymes in grain processing” p. 325-32. Edited by T Simoinen and M Tenkanen, Julkaisja-Utgivare-Publisher.
Juchen ML, Douglas PE, Hartmeier W and Arendt EK (2000). Production of low-carbohydrate beer using yeast co-immobilised with amyloglucosidase. “Enzymes in grain processing” p. 313-317. Edited by T Simoinen and M Tenkanen, Julkaisja-Utgivare-Publisher.
Goode DL, Halbert C and Arendt EK (2000). The use of malted barley and commercial enzymes in unmalted sorghum brewing “Enzymes in grain processing” p. 321-325. Edited by T Simoinen and M Tenkanen, Julkaisja-Utgivare-Publisher.
Goode D and Arendt EK (2003). Effect of addition of exogenous enzymes when mashing with 100 % unmalted barley “Recent Advances in Enzymes in Grain Processing” p. 341-346. Edited by CM Courtin, WS Veraverbeke, J Delcour, AACC Press.
Goode D. and Arendt EK. (2003) Effect of endogenous enzymes when mashing with increasing levels of unmalted barley as adjunct in Recent Advances in Enzymes in Grain Processing, p. 347-352. Edited by CM Courtin, WS Veraverbeke, J Delcour, AACC Press.
Ulmer H.M., Houlihan JP, Barta RC, Goode DL, van Sindren D and Arendt EK (2003). Proteolytic acitivity of lactic acid bacteria and their effect on beer quality. Recent Advances in Enzymes in Grain Processing, p. 353-357. Edited by CM Courtin, WS Veraverbeke, J Delcour, AACC Press.
Clarke CI, Schober T, Dockery P and Arendt EK (2004). Wheat sourdough fermentation: Effect of time and acidification on fundamental rheological properties. “Using cereal science and technology for the benefit of consumers”. p.163 – 169. Edited by SP Cauvain, SS Salmon, LS Young, Woodhead Publishing Ldt.
Gallagher E, McCarthy D, Gormley TR, and Arendt EK. (2004) Novel ingredients in optimising gluten free bread acceptability. “Using cereal science and technology for the benefit of consumers”, p.355 – 363. Edited by SP Cauvain, SS Salmon, LS Young, Woodhead Publishing Ldt.
Arendt EK, Schober T, Messerschmidt M and Scott B (2004) Comparison of the breadmaking potential of different sorghum hybrids. “Using cereal science and technology for the benefit of consumers”, p.62 – 68. Edited by SP Cauvain, SS Salmon, LS Young, Woodhead Publishing Ldt.
Clarke CI, and Arendt EK. (2005). Application of sourdough technology to wheat bread. “Advances in Food and Nutrition Research”, volume 49, p 138-161. Edited S Taylor, Academic Press, Elsevier
Goode D, Woltschko EA, Beumont V, Quinn D, Ulmer HE and Arendt EK (2005). Mash rheological studies- the development and application of novel grain characterisation methods. “Proceedings of the EBC Congress”, p. 9-21. ISBN90-70143-23-2.
Wijngaard HH, NicPhiarais BP, Ulmer HE, Good DL and Arendt EK (2005). Gluten-free beverages based on buckwheat. “Proceedings of the EBC Congress”, p. 101-113. ISBN 90-70143-23-2.
Arendt EK and Ulmer H (2004). Der Einfluss der Fermentation auf die Eigenschaften von Teig und dessen Endproducte. „Berichtsband Forum Sauerteig 1“. Edited by HJBuckenhuskes, Gesellschaft Deutscher Lebensmitteltechnologen e.V., Germany.
Arendt EK and Moore M (2006). Gluten free cereal based products. “Bakery Products”, p471 -495. Edited by Y.H.Hui, Blackwell Publishing Company, USA ISBN-10: 0-8138-0187-7
Arendt EK, Katina K, Luikkonen KH, Autio K, flander L, Poutanen K and Ulmer H (2006). Bedeutung des Sauerteiges für Ernährungsphysiologische Eigenschaften von Backwaren. “Sauerteig Handbuch”, p 57-70. Edited by M Gaenzle and M Brandt, ISBN3-89947-166-0.
Arendt EK and Goode D (2006). Development and supply of adjunct materials. “Brewing: new technologies”, p. 30 – 58. Edited by C. Bamforth, Woodhead Publishing Limited, USA ISBN13-978-1-84569-003-8.
Arendt EK and NicPhiaris (2007) Brewing and malting with gluten free cereals. “Beer in Health and Disease Prevention”, edited by R. Preedy, published by Academic Press (Elsevier)
Arendt EK and F. Dal Bello (2007). Functional cereal products for those with gluten intolerance. “Technology of Functional Cereal Products”, Edited by B. Hamaker, Woodhead Publishing Limited, USA.
Arendt EK and Moore M (2007) Gluten free cereal products. “Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods”. Edited by N. Cross, Blackwell Publishing Company, USA.
Arendt, EK, Renzetti, S and Dal Bello, F (2008). Dough microstructure and textural aspects of gluten-free yeast bread and biscuits. “Gluten-Free Food Science and Technology”. Edited by E Gallagher, Blackwell Publishing.
Arendt EK, Morrissey A, Moore MM and Dal Bello F (2008). Gluten free bread. “Gluten Free Foods and Beverages”, 289-311. Edited by EK Arendt and F Dal Bello. Academic Press – Elsevier. ISBN978-0-12-373739-7.
Kelly A, Moore MM and Arendt EK (2008). New Product development the case of gluten free food products. “Gluten Free Foods and Beverages”,413-430. Edited by EK Arendt and F Dal Bello, Academic Press – Elsevier. ISBN978-0-12-373739-7.
NicPhiaris B and Arendt EK (2007) Malting and brewing with gluten free cereals. “Gluten Free Foods and Beverages”,347-365. Edited by EK Arendt and F Dal Bello, Academic Press – Elsevier. ISBN978-0-12-373739-7
Kreisz S, Arendt EK, Huebner F, and Zarnkow M (2007) Cereal based gluten free functional drinks. “Gluten Free Foods and Beverages”, 373-389. Edited by EK Arendt & F Dal Bello, Academic Press – Elsevier. ISBN978-0-12-373739-7.
Schehl B, Mauch A, and Arendt EK, (2008) Malting of gluten free cereals “Gluten Free Foods and Beverages”, 373-389. Edited by EK Arendt and F Dal Bello, Academic Press – Elsevier. ISBN978-0-12-373739-7.
Arendt EK, and Renzetti S (2008) Novel approaches in the design of gluten free cereal products. “Gluten free foods and beverages”, p 89-99. Edited by Elke K. Arendt and Fabio Dal Bello, AACC Publishers, New York. ISBN 978-1-891127-67-0.
Arendt EK, Renzetti S and Dal Bello F (2009) Dough microstrucutre and textural aspects of gluten free yeast bread and biscuits. ”Gluten-free Food Science and Technology”, p. 107–130. Edited by E Gallagher, Wiley-Blackwell, Ltd. ISBN 978-4051-5915-9.
Arendt EK and Nunes MHB (2010). Processing gluten- free foods. In: Allergen management in the food industry, p333 -354. Edited by Boyle JI and Godefroy SE, Wiley &sons Inc. ISBN.
Arendt EK and Moroni AV (2010). Sourdough and Gluten-Free Products. In: Handbook of Sourdough Biotechnology, p 245-264. Gänzle M. and Gobbetti M (), Springer, London, UK.
Hager AS, Zannini E and Arendt EK (2012). Formulating breads for specific dietary requirements. In: Breadmaking, p 711 – 728. Edited by Cauvain S. Woodhead Publishing, ISBN 978-1-84569-382-4.
Zannini, E., Moroni, A., Belz, M., Faltermaier, A., Arendt, E., (2014). Breadmaking in: The Oxford Handbook of Food Fermentations (Chapter 11, p. 448-487). Edited by Charles W. Bamforth and Robert E. Ward, Oxford University Press, ISBN: 9780199742707
Arendt EK, DalBello F and Ryan LAM. (2009). Increasing the shelf-life of bakery and patisserie products by using the antifungal Lactobacillus amylovorans DSM 19280. European Patent Application PCT/EP2009/056229.
Arendt EK and Ryan LAM (2009). Method for the production of a gum base. European Patent Application EP2009/164443.