Connie Kelleher
Dr Connie Kelleher
Dr Connie Kelleher is a graduate of NUI Cork, where, after her BA degree, she completed an M.A. degree in archaeology on ‘The Maritime Archaeological Landscape of Baltimore, Co. Cork’. Her doctoral thesis from Trinity College Dublin looked at ‘The Confederacy of Pirates in Southwest Ireland in the Early Seventeenth Century - Trade, Plunder and Settlement: a historical and archaeological study’. She delivers the ‘Introduction to Underwater Archaeology’ section of the course to second year undergraduate students here in the Department, while her full-time position is as State Archaeologist with the Underwater Archaeology Unit (UAU), National Monuments Service (NMS), Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage.
Part of her work with NMS included directing excavations on the wreck of the 1588 Armada ship La Trinidad Valencera in Kinnagoe Bay, Co. Donegal, on an early 17th-century armed vessel in Rutland Harbour, Burtonport, Co. Donegal and on the probable 1645 wreck remains of the Parliamentary flagship Great Lewis in Waterford Harbour.
Connie is also Districts Officer in the National Monuments Service for the southwest/Killarney region, which involves the archaeological oversight of the national monuments in State care in that area.
Connie has published widely, including her recent book The Alliance of Pirates: Ireland and Atlantic Piracy in the Early Seventeenth Century (Cork University Press, 2020) and co-authored RMS Lusitania: The Story of A Wreck (Government Stationary Office, 2019).
She is former Council member of the Royal Society of Antiquaries in Ireland (RSAI) and served for eight years on the Board of the Advisory Council on Underwater Archaeology (ACUA); she is also former Chair and Secretary of the Irish Post-Medieval Archaeology Group (IPMAG) and is a member of the Institute of Archaeologists of Ireland (IAI
link to Connie Kelleher (Full Profile)