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Seminars and Lectures

The Department of Archaeology arranges a Seminar and Evening Lecture Programme during term time, where staff, students and visiting academics present on current work.

The Lunchtime Seminars take place on Tuesdays at 1pm in J5, First Floor Connolly Building. Evening Lectures are undertaken in conjunction with the Student Archaeology Society (ArchSoc) and are normally held at a venue on the Main Campus.

You can find out more about where we are on our Location and Facilities page.

Details of upcoming events are also posted on our social media pages.

Evening Lectures and Lunchtime Seminars 2024-25

---SEMESTER 1---

Tuesday October 8th

Dr Colin Rynne: ‘The Ballynacurra malting industry, Co. Cork and the Guinness connection’.
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Tuesday October 15th

Dr Griffin Murray, ‘Late Viking Art in Cork and Waterford: some recent considerations’.
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Monday October 21st Evening Lecture. Archaeology Department/Student Society

Dr Rowan McLaughlin, Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth: ‘A population census for the ancient Irish.’
West Wing Room 6, 6.15 pm.

Tuesday October 22nd

Dr Rowan McLaughlin, Hamilton Institute, NUI Maynooth: ‘Demographic transitions in prehistoric Ireland and beyond.'
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Monday October 21st Evening Lecture. Archaeology Department/Student Society

Dr Linus Girdland-Flink, University of Aberdeen: ‘Exploring our shared past via ancient DNA – case studies from pre-conquest Canary Islands, Old Kingdom Egypt, and Pictish-era Scotland’.
West Wing Room 6, 6.15 pm.

Tuesday November 5th.

Dr Linus Girdland-Flink, University of Aberdeen: ‘The relevance of scale - considering life histories in large-scale ancient DNA narratives’.
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Monday November 11th Evening Lecture. Archaeology Department/Student Society

Dr Jim Leary, University of York: ‘Footmarks: A Journey into Our Restless Past.’
West Wing Room 6, 6.15 pm.

Tuesday November 12th

Dr Jim Leary, University of York: ‘Houses, Halls, and Henges. Neolithic sites between Stonehenge and Avebury’.
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Monday November 18th Evening Lecture. Archaeology Department/Student Society

Dr Caroline Wilhelmsson and Dr Katharina Becker (with Sarah McCutcheon (Limerick County Council) and Prof Andrew Wilson, Chris Gaffney, Tom Sparrow, Joseph Moore, Faye Corbett, MIchael Pisz (University of Bradford)): ‘Hidden Heritages revealed: A multiscalar digital humanities approach to the medieval walled towns of Kilmallock and Derry.’
West Wing Room 6, 6.15 pm.

Tuesday November 19th

Dr Caroline Wilhelmsson: ‘The Queens and Royal women of Sweden c. 970-1330: their lives, power, and legacy.
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Tuesday November 26th

Dr Katharina Becker and Professor Derek Hamilton: ‘Beyond stratigraphy. How to select samples for radiocarbon dating and how to make sense (or nonsense) of other people's dates’.
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

---SEMESTER 2---

Tuesday January 14th

Dr Eóin Parkinson: ‘Big data & integrated bioarchaeology: demography, diet, growth and behaviour in European prehistory’.
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Monday January 20th Evening Lecture. Archaeology Department/Student Society

Professor Suzie Thomas, Heritage Studies, University of Antwerp: ‘Researching and Experiencing Dark Heritage: Challenges in the Field with Sensitive Pasts'.
West Wing Room 6, 6.15 pm.

Tuesday January 21st

Professor Suzie Thomas, Heritage Studies, University of Antwerp: ‘Heritage Practice Communities in a Digitised World: Towards Stronger Definitions of Non-Salaried Interactions with Cultural Heritage.'
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Tuesday January 28th

Mick Monk: ‘The Lisleagh project rebooted.’
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Tuesday February 4th

Maeve Sikora (PhD candidate): ‘Feasting and dining in early medieval Ireland.’

Carol Smith (PhD candidate): ‘La Tène scabbards in Ireland’.
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Tuesday February 11th

Peter McDonagh (PhD candidate): ‘Ecclesiastical enclosures in early medieval Ireland.’

Bronagh Murphy (PhD candidate): ‘The evolution of war: an examination of 18th - 20th century osteological trauma resultant from ballistic weaponry.’
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Tuesday February 18th

Maggie McCabe (PhD candidate): ‘Repatriation claims on cultural material from former British colonies in museums in Britain and Ireland: using experiences to effect change’.

Giulia Giannella (PhD candidate): ‘Aspects of La Tène archaeology.’
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Tuesday February 25th

Greta Abmorseva (MPhil candidate): ‘Analysis of Post-Medieval archaeological textiles from bogs in Ireland’

Clodagh O’Donoghue (MPhil candidate): ‘Transitory identities between the Late Iron Age and early medieval period in Ireland.’
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Tuesday March 4th

Paula O’Leary, (MPhil candidate): ‘Sacred Mountains of Ireland’

Nolwenn Ré, (MPhil candidate): ‘Perceiving the Distant Past in Medieval Ireland: A study of church sites paired with prehistoric monuments’.
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Tuesday March 11th

Dr Ben Gearey: ‘Irish Peatland Archaeology Across Time (IPeAT)’: project update.
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.

Tuesday March 18th

Dr Diarmuid Ó Riain and Dr Tomás Ó Carragáin: ‘Digital Atlas of Early Irish Carved Stones (DAEICS)’: project update.
Connolly Building, Room J5, 1 pm.


Department of Archaeology


Connolly Building, Dyke Parade, University College Cork, Cork City, T12 CY82, Ireland
