About Us
Welcome to Archaeology at University College Cork
Archaeology at UCC since 1909
Archaeology is an exciting subject that has great popular and academic appeal, and offers many career opportunities both in Ireland and abroad. This website will introduce you to the Department of Archaeology in UCC, a leading university in Ireland. There is information on our teaching programmes, our research projects and our involvement with the archaeological profession and the wider public.
UCC has been a centre for the study of Archaeology since the first professor, Sir Bertram Windle, was appointed in 1909. The Department has grown steadily over the past century, acquiring a reputation for excellence in teaching and research. Our research strengths include physical anthropology and bioarchaeology, architectural heritage, prehistory and early medieval studies. The Department is known for innovative fieldwork, going back to Professor Sean P. Ó Riordáin’s work at Lough Gur and Professor Michael O’Kelly’s excavation of Newgrange and other major sites in Ireland.
The Department trains archaeologists at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, offering stimulating courses on a wide range of periods and subjects. The aim is to provide students with an understanding of the discipline of archaeology and the skills necessary to develop a career in Archaeology. The study of Archaeology offers life-long learning opportunities that can be a source of great personal enrichment as the individual acquires a deeper appreciation of their cultural heritage at a local, national and European level.
As well as teaching and research, the Department also engages with the wider public in the Munster region through the provision of adult education courses and information on local archaeology. Support is also offered to the archaeological profession in Ireland and the Department contributes to debate and research on a range of cultural heritage issues.
Please browse through our online content and don't hesitate to contact us if you have any queries in relation to our teaching programmes, research or community services.
William O'Brien
Professor of Archaeology
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