Meet your UCC training providers
Meet 13 training providers from across the University and learn about the training opportunities available to you
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Centre for Digital Education
Our role is to 'improve student learning through the best practice application of technology'. To achieve this, we engage with staff to ensure they are supported to use technology such as Canvas, Panopto and MS Teams in their teaching practice. We demonstrate the features of many tools and advise on how these can be used in day-to-day teaching and learning activities.
Our training function is focused on two principle areas - Canvas and what we call Teach Digi. Our Canvas training is focused best practice in that virtual learning environment, whereas Teach Digi is more focused on the educational aspect - for example, how to engage learners, how to build interactivity, why recording lectures is important, and so on.
The Centre for the Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL)
We support staff and students who are engaged in teaching, and those who demonstrate academic leadership in the scholarship of teaching and learning. We coordinate accredited teaching development courses for staff, modules in teaching and learning for postgraduate students who teach, and residential courses for international lecturers. We host seminars and additional events throughout the academic year for staff and students interested in topics related to teaching, learning, and assessment. We also foster and conduct research on Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.
Disability Support Services (DSS)
The DSS office is happy to engage with departments and offices to:
- Explain how students register with the service and what the DSS tag means
- Outline the supports we provide for students
- Provide information and awareness on disabilities
In addition to this we work in the areas of autism awareness, Universal Design for Learning, Irish Sign Language (ISL) learning and assistive technology outreach.
Health and Safety
The Health & Safety Office advises upon and supports the proactive management of employee occupational health and safety at the corporate level within UCC. In line with the provisions of best practice and Safety, Health & Welfare at Work law, UCC conducts and manages employee occupational Health & Safety on a college, school and departmental basis.
The office supports all colleges, school and departments through professional advice, management support and on-going training.
The office endeavours to ensure that the University complies, as appropriate, with current and developing health and safety legislation. The office also endeavours to promote the proactive prevention of accidents and ill-health of all UCC employees and those who may be effected by the work of the employees.
HR Research
HR Research is a leader in developing the skills of our research community. UCC is the first institution in Ireland the be successully renewed in HR Excellence in Research.
Our training includes:
- Post Doc Development Hub
- Professional Skills for Research Leaders
- The Odyssey Programme
IT Learning Resources
These resourses are for UCC staff only.
Language Centre
The Language Centre offers a number of courses for UCC staff, including:
- Language for Global Learning Environments
- Teacher refresher and development courses
- Summer teaching festival
- Workshops for developing language teachers
Marketing and Communications
The Office of Marketing and Communications is responsible for developing and managing the university's brand and reputation. We work to engage key stakeholders across multiple communications channels - the website, social media, media, publications, events and outreach activities. We also provide expertise and advice to UCC staff on how best to promote their activities.
Web content training
For more information on web content training, contact one of our web content team (Maurice Ryder, Cal Doyle).
Media and communications training
- Getting published with the Conversation
- Getting published with RTÉ Brainstorm
For more information on media and communications training contact one of our team (Eoin Hahessy, Joe Leogue, Jane Haynes).
Office of Corporate and Legal Affairs (OCLA)
OCLA currently offers training in the following areas:
- Data protection
- Contracts
- Risk management
- Emergency management and business continuity planning
- Records management
- Health and safety
Staff Wellbeing and Development
We are responsible for Staff Development and Staff Wellbeing. We arrange and facilitate training for staff encompassing areas of personal effectiveness and career development, including leadership, interpersonal and communications skills, decision making and influencing skills and people management. We also facilitate coaching and mentoring.
Under Staff Wellbeing, we support staff in every aspect of their wellbeing through workshops, seminars, an Employee Assistance Programme and confidential one-to-one sessions.
Learn more about professional development at the Training and Development website.
Learn more about our wellbeing initiatives at the Staff Wellbeing website.