UCC Bounces to Victory: Trampoline Club Soars to New Heights!
Our intervarsities was a huge success - we placed in several categories, as well as winning the overall shield!
Novice men - 3rd Place Kyle Dowley
Intermediate men- 2nd Place Ronan Grace, 1st Place Colin O’Shea
Intervanced men- 2nd Place Cormac D’Aughton
Intervanced ladies- 2nd Place Cara O’Brien
Advanced men- 3rd Place Cormac Shine Holland, 2nd Place Oisín De Baróid
Advanced women- 2nd Place Siobhan O’Brien , 1st Place Jessie Fitzgerald
Elite Pro women- 1st Place Rachel Barry
Synchro level 1 - 1st Place Aoife Curtin and Jodie Cooke
Synchro level 2 - 3rd Place Cormac D’Aughton and Cormac Holland, 2nd Place Aoife Doyle and Jessie Fitzgerald, 1st Place Siobhan O’Brien and Cara O’Brien
Synchro roulette - 3rd Place Rachel Buckley and Shannon Gomez(UCD)
Two trick level 1 - 1st Place Mark O’Neill
Team’s overall score - 1st Place Oisín De Baróid, Siobhan O’Brien, Aoife Curtin, Jessie Fitzgerald
Intervarsities shield - UCC