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Research Seminar 17th February
Fiction in Brazilian Fashion Magazines
Ana Cláudia Suriani (University College London)
Friday, 17 February 2017
ORB 1.24 - 4pm
Ana Cláudia Suriani da Silva works on 19th century Brazilian literature and book history with a focus on the works of Machado de Assis, serial literature, the press and fashion history. She is particularly interested in the relationship between the creative process of a text, its genre and means of publication, and on the circulation of ideas between Europe and Brazil through the press. She is the author of Machado de Assis's Philosopher or Dog?: From Serial to Book Form (Legenda, 2010) which was published in Portuguese as Machado de Assis: do folhetim ao livro (NVerso, 2015). She has produced a genetic and critic edition of Machado de Assis’ short story “Linha reta e linha curva” (Editora da Unicamp, 2003), a bilingual edition of Queda que as mulheres têm para o tolos (Editora da Unicamp, 2008), and the hypertext edition of the serial version of Quincas Borba (with John Gledson,, 2015). She has also co-edited a special issue on Brazilian fashion for Film Fashion & Consumption (Intellect, 2.3, 2013), and the multi-author volumes Books and Periodicals in Brazil 1768-1930: A Transatlantic Perspective (Legenda, 2014) and Cultural Revolution of the Nineteenth Century: Theatre, the Book-Trade and Reading in the Transatlantic World (I. B. Tauris, 2016). She has also published articles, book chapters on the works of Macahdo de Assis, Artur Azevedo and Joseph Conrad, and on the relationship between fashion, literature and the press. Currently she is working with Constance Bantman on The Foreign Press in London in the 19th century: Politics from a Distance (Bloomsbury, 2017).
All welcome