Images of Brazil in the Cinema: Cliches, Stereotypes and the Construction of a 'Latin American identity' in the Film Industry
14 Jan 2018

January 19th, 16:15 – O'Rahilly Building 1.24
@UCCSPLAS Research Seminar – Dr Fernanda Rabelo:
Images of Brazil in the Cinema: Cliches, Stereotypes and the Construction of a 'Latin American identity' in the Film Industry
In this presentation I am going to approach the Latin American and more specifically the Brazilian stereotypes portrayed in films, and the forging of a 'Latin America identity' at the film industry, specially in the American film industry. In my master's dissertation I have examined that this image was strongly built in Hollywood 'golden age', as a mean to reinforce a positive and 'superior' American identity in the cinema, and with little effort to understand the culture and society of the countries from Latin America. This angle is also the theme of a documentary produced by Brazilian filmmaker Lúcia Murat called The Foreign Eye, in 2006, which depicts the Brazilian identity in European and American films in the 20th century, based on Tunico Amancio's book, 'O Brasil dos Gringos: imagens no cinema' (The Brazil from the 'Gringos', images on the cinema), that will also be shortly discussed.
Fernanda L. Rabelo is a visiting research fellow at the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies of UCC. She received a PhD and earned a M.A. degree in Social History from Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro. Her research interests are Brazil-US Cultural Relations in the 20th Century, Brazil's Contemporary History and Latin American History.
Her forthcoming book, 'A Hollywood da Boa Vizinhança: imagens do Brasil em documentários norte-americanos na Segunda Guerra', is being released this year by Editorial Paco.