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BA (Hons) Arts - Religions and Global Diversity

This course explores a wide variety of religious traditions, such as Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Judaism and various forms of Christianity, as well as offering students the unique opportunity to study indigenous religions, western esotericism, new religious movements, Japanese religions, anthropology of religions, and sexuality and Islam with specialists in these fields. 

Religions matter. Every world-news bulletin has stories about the impact of religions on individuals and communities. Whether in India, Ireland or Iran, forms and expressions of religion are constantly changing. Some people turn to "alternative" spiritualities in quest of personal fulfilment, while others seek to strengthen "traditional" religious values in a fast-changing world. 

Religions and Global Diversity is a course that reflects on the critical study of religions and cultures around the world aligning with UCC's tradition of independent thinking.  Unlike traditional theology courses, Religions and Global Diversity does not assume you are a believer and is not about promoting religion. It’s a fascinating subject for anyone with an interest in the power of religion, whether or not you are a religious practitioner yourself. 

Study of Religions Department

Staidéar Reiligiún

Room 2.22, O'Rahilly Building, University College Cork, College Road, Cork, T12 ND89
