News & Events
Deadline Extended to 31st July
HIV Psychosocial Care Survey – Deadline Extended
On March 14th 2022, a national survey was launched to identify the barriers and facilitators to psychosocial care for people living with HIV in Ireland. The fully anonymous survey collects vital information on how people living with HIV in Ireland view social support, service accessibility, HIV status disclosure, COVID-19 etc.
Responses so far underline the challenges still facing people living with HIV, with over 70% agreeing that their diagnosis has impacted their mental health. The deadline for responses has been extended to July 31th 2022 to give as many people as possible an opportunity to contribute to this research, the outcomes of which will be used to inform future research and development.
All responses are appreciated, but female voices are particularly encouraged as so far only 27% of respondents are women.
The short survey takes the majority of respondents less than 5 minutes to complete, and is available in English, Spanish, and Brazilian Portuguese.
Further information can be found at the survey link:, or through scanning the QR code below.
The research is part of a HRB funded SPHeRE Doctoral Project by Aoife Burke, Professor Ella Arensman, Dr Martin Davoren and Dr Janas Harrington, School of Public Health, National Suicide Research Foundation, University College Cork and the Sexual Health Centre.
Aoife Burke