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Senior Lecturer Dr. Paul Corcoran  
Senior Lecturer Dr. Tony Fitzgerald 
Senior Lecturer Dr. Janas Harrington
Senior Lecturer Dr. Zubair Kabir
Senior Lecturer Dr. Sheena McHugh 
Senior Lecturer Dr. Linda O'Keeffe 
Senior Lecturer    Dr. Eilis O'Reilly
Senior Lecturer   Dr. Karen Matvienko-Sikar 
Lecturer  Ms. Julie Arnott
Lecturer  Ms. Fiona Barry 
Lecturer  Dr. Paul Beirne
Lecturer  Dr. Susan Calnan
Lecturer  Ms. SinĂ©ad Creedon 
Lecturer  Ms. Mary Cronin
Lecturer  Ms. Colette Cunningham 
Lecturer  Dr. Christie Godsmark 
Lecturer  Dr. Caleb Leduc  
Lecturer  Dr. Malorie Leduc 
Lecturer  Dr. Kate O'Neill 
Lecturer  Dr. Stefan Schandelmaier
Lecturer  Dr. Maura Smiddy

School of Public Health

Scoil na Sláinte Poiblí

4th Floor, Western Gateway Building, Western Road,
