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Food & Health


A Horizon Europe funded project, FEAST aims to see every person in Europe eating a healthier and more sustainable diet.

The consortium aims to achieve this goal by advancing the state of the art in research and innovation by bringing together different disciplines across the food system to co-create novel, practical and scalable community-based, technology-based and policy-based solutions.

Here at UCC, PI Dr Janas Harrington and her team are working on FEAST Work Package 3 mapping and monitoring commercial and policy impact on the food environment here in Ireland.

Visit to find out more. 


FOODPATH is a consortium of researchers from universities and research institutes in Belgium, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, and Türkiye.


Researchers have different backgrounds and expertise, but share a common interest in understanding why some communities and groups have access to healthy and sustainable diets, while others don’t.

UCC is coordinating the FOODPATH Consortium, managing all milestones and deliverables and is lead on Workpackage 3.  

The team includes Dr Janas Harrington, Margaret Steel and Shannen Hussey.

Visit to find out more.

HRB Centre for Health and Diet Research

For an overview of the HRB Centre for Health and Diet Research, please review the below PDF.

HRB Centre for Health & Diet Research overview



School of Public Health

Scoil na Sláinte Poiblí

4th Floor, Western Gateway Building, Western Road,
