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Dr Anne Byrne
Anne Byrne is a member of the ESRC-IRC funded network, RIFNET, Reconstituting Irish Families (2021-2022). I joined the School of Political Science and Sociology, NUI Galway in 1987 and worked there until 2021. I am a sociologist inspired by feminist and biographical research, narrative inquiry and collaborative community based methodologies. My work is grounded in the creative force that comes from the juxtaposition of history and story, self and society, image and text, art and ethnography. Located in the sociology of the Irish family, previous publications concern gender and identity, singleness and stigma, family secrets, gender issues in family farming and agriculture and on the historiography of the Harvard-Irish social anthropological mission to Ireland in the 1930s on Irish farm families. Current research projects include a critical review of gender and voice in social research from the 1970s to the present day and two book projects – one on the visit of Virginia Woolf and Leonard Woolf to Ireland in 1934 and the other on the letters of Nancy Nolan and Leonard Woolf (1943-1969). Professional memberships include the Moore Institute and the Social Science Research Centre in NUI Galway, the Sociological Association of Ireland, the Biographical Narrative and Life Course Research Group, the Virginia Woolf Society of Great Britain and the International Virginia Woolf Society. In celebration of thirty years of publication history, the Irish Journal of Sociology invited reflections on Irish society and the evolution of Irish sociology – my contribution, ‘Naming My World, Finding My Voice’ can be found at https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/07916035211030374. See also https://www.nuigalway.ie/our-research/people/political-science-and-sociology/annebyrne/