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UCC Futures - Collective Social Futures & ISS21 hold well attended Volunteering Research and Practice in Ireland report seminar

17 Oct 2024

UCC Futures – Collective Social Futures in association with ISS21were pleased to hold a seminar yesterday on Volunteering Research and Practice in Ireland.

The well attended seminar discussed the findings of two recently completed research projects on aspects of volunteering in Ireland. The research was commissioned and funded by the Department of Rural and Community Development as part of the National Volunteering Strategy 2021 – 2025, through the Irish Research Council’s New Foundations Scheme. Cork Volunteer Centre was the civil society partner for the research. 

Thank you to everyone who attended and who contributed to this seminar. We look forward to the publishing of the reports.

Further details on both projects can be found on the ISS21 website at: Youth Volunteering: building capacity for the future | University College Cork (; and Volunteer Recognition: developing questions for the Irish Census

Research Reports 

Scanlon, M., Hogan, E., Martin, S. and Powell, F. (2024) Promoting Youth Volunteering in Ireland: Current Practice and Ways Forward. Report for the Department of Rural and Community Development. 

Martin, S., Desmond, E. and Scanlon, M. (2024) Volunteer Recognition: Developing Questions for the Irish Census on Formal and Informal Volunteering Report for the Department of Rural and Community Development.


A room full of adults attending a volunteering report seminar

Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21)

Top Floor, Carrigbawn/Safari Building, Donovan Road, Cork, T12 YE30
