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The University as a Superdiverse Space? A Conversation

28 Mar 2022

As part of the UNIC European University initiative, ISS21, in conjunction with the Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit and Access UCC, is hosting a seminar series focused on the theme of superdiversity. The second seminar in this series was held on 28 March, and explored the role of the university as a space for diversity and inclusion.  

Conversation participants: Dr. Yanyu Guo, Department of Asian Studies; Parnika Gupta, UCC Indian Society; Dr Piaras Mac Éinrí, Department of Geography; Busie Mhlophe, UCC Sanctuary Scholar; Amano Miura, Fáilte Refugees; Dr Caitríona Ní Laoire, School of Applied Social Studies.

Chair: Professor Nuala Finnegan, Dept. of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies.

A list of up-coming seminars in the series is available here

For more on this story contact:

Dr Margaret Scanlon (

Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21)

Top Floor, Carrigbawn/Safari Building, Donovan Road, Cork, T12 YE30
