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Researching Care Workshop

14 Oct 2022
Dr Claire Edwards

On 14 October, the CareVisions research project and ISS21 hosted a workshop to showcase care-related research in UCC, discuss ideas for future research, and develop networks in care research, including through the ISS21’s CARE21 Research Cluster.


Postgrowth, care and social policy: making connectionsDr Fiona Dukelow, School of Applied Social Studies (presenter) and Prof Mary P. Murphy, Department of Sociology, Maynooth University.  

Developing the CareVisions projectDr Felicity Daly and Dr Cliona Loughnane, ISS21 

Exploring the potential of the co-operative model to provide home care services to older peopleDr Carol Power, Centre for Co-operative Studies and Cork University Business School and Dr Caroline Crowley, Centre for Co-operative Studies   

Failed in Childhood, Punished in Motherhood: Intergenerational Experiences of the Care SystemArhonda Lynch, School of Applied Social Studies   

Uncared-for women and 'promiscuous care': Challenging the inclusivity of a feminist ethic of care for activist mothers of disabled children and disabled sex worker activistsDoris Murphy, Sociology and Women's Studies and Dr Liz Kyte, id+ research programme   

Does international law care? Towards a care ethics approach to international law during crisis and beyondDr Henrietta Zeffert, School of Law   

Curating for Communities: Projects, programmes and exhibitions at the Glucksman, Tadhg Crowley, The Glucksman  

“That is probably the worst thing, not being able to hold her hand” A Qualitative Exploration into the Family Experience of Nursing Home Residents Life and Death During the PandemicGraham Gillespie, School of Applied Psychology  

Panel Discussion:

How might we re-envision care in the 21st century, for society, health, and the planet/environment?

Panel members: Dr Paul Bolger, Environmental Research Institute (ERI); Dr Jacqui O'Riordan, School of Applied Social Studies / ISS21; Dr Valeria Venditti, School of Nursing and Midwifery 

The event was chaired by Dr Claire Edwards, School of Applied Social Studies and ISS21.

For more on this story contact:

If you have any queries about this event, please contact the CareVisions Team at:

If you are interested in joining the CARE21 cluster, please contact the convenors Dr. Carol Kelleher ( and Dr. Jacqui O’ Riordan (; or the ISS21 Research Coordinator, Dr. Margaret Scanlon ( New members are always welcome.

Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21)

Top Floor, Carrigbawn/Safari Building, Donovan Road, Cork, T12 YE30
