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‘Community, Urban Futures and Faith Belonging in Children's Art’

11 Jun 2019
Professor Anna Hickey-Moody presentation on interfaith childhoods at the Glucksman Gallery, UCC.

On the 11 June 2019 the ISS21 Children and Young People Research cluster hosted a seminar on interfaith childhoods with Anna Hickey-Moody, Professor of Media and Communication at RMIT University, Australia.

In this talk Professor Hickey-Moody presented some of the findings from the 'Interfaith Childhoods' research project, which aims to generate and document religious children’s perspectives on their worlds. This ethnographic project develops non-ideological, vernacular and material forms of knowledge about religion. As part of a broader research programme, the multi-sited project includes arts workshops with children in Sydney and Melbourne, Australia, as well as in London and Manchester, UK. In the course of the presentation, Professor Hickey-Moody examined identity and faith belonging in collaboratively created images of urban futures made by the children participating in the study.

Dr. Karl Kitching, Director of EDI and Lecturer, School of Education UCC, led a lively audience discussion on the issues emerging from Professor Hickey-Moody's work on interfaith childhoods, as well as sharing insights from his own research with children and young people.



Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century (ISS21)

Top Floor, Carrigbawn/Safari Building, Donovan Road, Cork, T12 YE30
