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Institute of Chemistry of Ireland Annual Award

Awarded to Prof. John Sodeau
is the 2016 winner of the Annual Chemistry Award of the Institute of Chemistry of Ireland. This award was inaugurated in 2005 and since 2007, is named in memory of the late Eva Philbin, who was Professor of Organic Chemistry at UCD. The award, consisting of a commemorative plaque, is made to a practicing chemist, who has an international reputation for having made a significant contribution to the advancement of chemistry and who is also an excellent science communicator. A list of previous award winners is given below. Each recipient presents a keynote lecture in several locations around Ireland. Since 2007, the lectures are termed the Eva Philbin Lecture Series.
Prof. David A. Leigh - Edinburgh University
Tooling Up for Nanoworld: The Magic of Molecular Machines
Prof. A. Prasanna de Silva - Queen's University Belfast
Messages from Molecules; Sensing and Computing
Dr. Mary Archer - Baroness Archer of Weston-super-Mare
Chemistry and the Good Life
Prof. Peter Atkins - Lincoln College, University of Oxford
Visualizing Chemistry
Prof. Martyn Poliakoff - University of Nottingham
Green Chemistry and Supercritical Fluids (Lecture not given until 2010)
Dr. Malachy McCann - National University of Ireland Maynooth
Syphilis, MRSA, and Cancer - Cures with Metal Ions
Prof. Lesley Yellowless - Edinburgh University
Powering Ahead with Solar Energy
Prof. Herbert W. Roeskey - University of Gottingen
The Universe - A Guide to New Chemistry
Prof. Thorfinnue Gunnlaugsson - Trinity College Dublin
Self-assembly Supramolecular structures and Material made from Novel Acyclic Ligands
Prof. Michael J. Zaworotko - University of Limerick
Crystal Engineering of Task-Specific Materials: Addressing Pharmaceutical Materials
Prof. John Sodeau - University College Cork
Every Breath You Take