Irish Atmospheric Simulation Chamber Facility (IASC)
IASC is a custom-built atmospheric simulation chamber specially designed for investigating atmospheric processes, as well as testing and developing new atmospheric measurement techniques.

The chamber is a 27 m3 cuboid (4.5 m long × 3 m wide × 2 m high) made of FEP Teflon foil, supported in a frame and surrounded by an air-conditioned housing. Several banks of lamps provide UV-A and UV-B radiation to enable studies of atmospheric photochemistry. The chamber is fitted with a gas flow control system for filling/flushing the chamber with purified dry air and numerous ports for adding/sampling gases and particles. A specially designed access door also allows items (e.g. sensors or devices, samples or test materials) to be positioned inside the chamber.
The facility is equipped with a comprehensive range of instruments:
- Highly sensitive time of flight chemical ionisation mass spectrometer (ToF-CIMS, Aerodyne) for monitoring volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other gases at atmospherically relevant concentrations. The instrument is also equipped with a Filter Inlet for Gases and AEROsols (FIGAERO) to allow collection and analysis of species in the particulate phase.
- Unique custom-built spectroscopy system for in situ measurements of gases, radicals and properties of particles. Current capabilities are based on cavity enhanced spectroscopies and include HONO, NO2, glyoxal and NO3 radicals, as well as total extinction in the near UV. The system is customisable and can be adapted to measure a range of species over different parts of the spectrum.
- Continuous online measurements of gases (CO2, NOx, O3, SO2) and particles (scanning mobility particle sizer). Air pressure, temperature, and relative humidity are also routinely recorded.

The IASC facility was established with the financial support of Science Foundation Ireland under grant number 15/RI/3209 and 21/FFP-A/8973.