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Irish Atmospheric Simulation Chamber Facility

Irish Atmospheric Simulation Chamber Facility

Specially designed for investigating atmospheric processes, as well as testing and developing new atmospheric measurement techniques

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Centre for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry (CRAC)

CRAC is one of Ireland's leading research groups in atmospheric and environmental chemistry. Our research activity is wide-ranging and encompasses laboratory, field and modelling studies.

Research Fact File

Attracted Over €15M in Research Funding since 2000

Collaborations With Over 25 Research Groups Worldwide

Over 40 PhD Students Graduated in the Last 20 Years

Our Research Group has Received over 60 Research and Commercialisation Awards

Over 120 Original Research Publications

Our Research

Strategically Focused on Three Main Research Themes

Funding Partners

Strategic Partnerships

Centre for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry

Ionad Taighde Um Ceimice Atmaisféarach

Lab B1, Kane Building, University College Cork, T12 YN60.
