Our News
Student wins Best Poster Award at Biomedica 2014

On the 29th -30th April, the Academy of Medical Laboratory Science (A.M.LS) in the year of its 40th anniversary hosted Biomedica 2014. This is a unique, biennial forum where Medical Scientists, Clinicians, academic researchers and diagnostic partners from industry are invited to come together, exchange and share research ideas and to explore the latest technological and scientific solutions on offer. The event was held in Dublin’s RDS exhibition hall.
This year’s exhibition attracted in excess of 800 delegates and a scientific poster competition formed part of the programme. From the poster entries four finalists were selected and each invited to give a 5-minute talk to the judges about their research.
The School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology was represented by 2nd year PhD student Caroline Vaughan (pictured above) who claimed 1st prize for the presentation of her work on a role for Presenilin 2 in the human innate immune response. This forms part of her PhD work under the supervision of Dr Justin McCarthy.