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2013 Eli Lilly Awards for Biochemistry and Biotechnology

The 2013 Eli Lilly Postgraduate and Undergraduate Scholarships for Academic Excellence in Biotechnology and Biochemistry were recently awarded to students in the School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology.
Eli Lilly Postgraduate and Undergraduate Scholarships for Academic Excellence in Biotechnology and Biochemistry
The Postgraduate Scholarship for Academic Excellence in Biotechnology was awarded to, Gary Williamson (BSc Biochemistry, MSc Biotechnology).
Recipients of the Eli Lilly Undergraduate Awards for Academic Excellence were Fergus Collins, 4th year Biochemistry student and Colm O’Sullivan, 3rd year Biochemistry student.
Mr Noel Henderson Personnel Representative at Eli Lilly and Dr Melanie Walsh, Eli Lilly were among those present at a reception hosted by the UCC Biochemistry and Biotechnology Society.
Eli Lilly and UCC have several partnerships that include the annual Eli Lilly Postgraduate and Undergraduate Scholarships for Academic Excellence in Biotechnology and Biochemistry and Eli Lilly Postgraduate Research Symposium in Organic and Pharmaceutical Chemistry.
Eli Lilly also participates in UCC Masters in Biotechnology student education and curriculum development through the provision of student placement, guest lectures in Biotechnology and tours of the Eli Lilly Biotechnology Manufacturing Facility, Kinsale. Co-ordinated this year by Clodagh Kerr, Careers Service, UCC, a number of UCC students, from the Masters in Biotechnology, Chemistry of Pharmaceutical Compounds, and Process and Chemical Engineering degree courses, have benefitted from placement and subsequent employment in Eli Lilly.
Dr Justin McCarthy, Director of the Masters in Biotechnology at UCC expressed the appreciation of the School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology and Masters in Biotechnology for the continuing partnership with Eli Lilly and looked forward to further developments in the future.
Gary Williamson, a BSc Biochemistry and MSc Biotechnology UCC graduate was presented with the Eli Lilly Postgraduate Award by Mr Noel Henderson, Human Resources, Eli Lilly at the UCC Biochemistry and Biotechnology Society Seminar evening held on January 22nd. The award was presented for academic excellence in Biotechnology. Gary is currently employed by Eli Lilly.
Fergus Collins, a current final year BSc Biochemistry student at UCC was presented with an Eli Lilly Undergraduate Award by Mr Noel Henderson, Human Resources, Eli Lilly at the UCC Biochemistry and Biotechnology Society Seminar evening held on January 22nd. The award was presented for academic excellence during the 3rd year of Fergus’s Biochemistry undergraduate degree.
Colm O’Sullivan, a current 3rd year BSc Biochemistry student at UCC was presented with an Eli Lilly Undergraduate Award by Mr Noel Henderson, Human Resources, Eli Lilly at the UCC Biochemistry and Biotechnology Society Seminar evening held on January 22nd. The award was presented for academic excellence during the 2nd year of Colm’s undergraduate degree.
An Insight into Eli Lilly
As part of the Awards evening , the Biochemistry and Biotechnology Society also organised a seminar at which Dr Melanie Walsh and Mr Gary Williamson discussed their careeer paths which led them to working at Eli Lilly.
Dr Melanie Walsh is a past UCC graduate, who completed a BSc and a PhD in Biochemistry. Melanie joined the technical services Department in Eil Lilly in 2007, and is currently a QCL team leader in Eil Lilly.
Mr Gary Williamson graduated from UCC with a BSc in Biochemistry and an MSc in Biotechnology. Gary completed the work placement component of the MSc in Biotechnology in Eil Lilly and was employed by Eil Liily, on completion of his work placement, to work in the technical services Department.
Dr Justin Mc Carthy, School of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, UCC addressing the members of the UCC Biochemistry and Biotechnology Society at the seminar entitled “An Insight into Eli Lilly”, held on January 22nd.
Dr Melanie Walsh, Eli Lilly addressing members of the UCC Biochemistry and Biotechnology Society at the seminar entitled “An Insight into Eli Lilly”, held on January 22nd.