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Fieldwork Safety

Archaeology Field Safety

Field Trips and fieldwork are an essential part of learning about Archaeology and it is very important that everyone who attends fieldtrips notes and understands our Safety guidelines. Remember that you are representing the Department of Archaeology and UCC, on all field excursions organised by the Department.

General Guidelines

• Obey the instructions of the fieldtrip leader(s).

• Take care when boarding and alighting from the bus.

• Wear suitable clothing and footwear.

• Walk, don't run on uneven ground and slopes.

• Do not climb over walls or on buildings.

• No unruly behaviour.

• Do not endanger yourself or others in the bus, in the field or during lunch-break.

• Respect other people's property - buildings, land, animals and fences.

• Always close gates.

• Walk around the edge of fields with crops.

• Bring your litter home.

• Beware of bulls, dogs and other animals.

• Do not interfere with machinery or power lines.

• Keep to arranged times and meeting places for lunch-breaks etc.

• Do not get separated from main group (or you could be left behind).

• Inform the leader before the tour if you have any particular health problems.

• Should you suffer any injury, including cuts or grazes, while on the fieldtrip, please inform the leader immediately.

Find out more

Department of Archaeology


Connolly Building, Dyke Parade, University College Cork, Cork City, T12 CY82, Ireland
