UCC Anaesthesiology newsletter

Welcome to the Winter edition
Welcome to the Winter 2024/25 edition of the UCC Anaesthesiology Newsletter. We hope that you all had a well deserved break over the holiday period. We wish you the very best of luck in the new year, especially those who are moving to new departments and those who are preparing for exams.
In this edition, Dr Alan Horan (Consultant Anaesthesiologist, CUH) reports on the first Trauma Resuscitation Anaesthesia Course (TRAC) to be held at the ASSERT Centre, UCC. A huge amount of work went into organising and delivering this course, and special thanks go to the visiting faculty from the UK. Alan has also joined our newsletter editorial team and we are delighted to have him on board.
We congratulate the organisers of the recent Pan Cork Gas. This was the first time that the College of Anaesthesiologists in Ireland (CAI) Tutors Fund allocated to the Mercy University Hospital, the South Infirmary University Hospital and the Cork University Hospital was utilised for a combined social event. A fantastic evening was enjoyed by all attendees and hopefully there will be many more.
We conclude the newsletter with a report from Dr Laurens Minsart who led the Belgian and Portuguese PNB Fellows from the CUH on a cultural expedition to a Munster V Stade Français Paris Rugby Match at Thomond Park.
As always, we welcome clinical/academic/social updates from within and beyond the region.
Trauma Resuscitation Anaesthesia Course (TRAC), ASSERT Centre, UCC:
Dr Alan Horan, Consultant in Anaesthesia, CUH
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The inaugural Trauma Resuscitation Anaesthesia Course (TRAC) was held at the ASSERT centre, UCC on the 24th of September 2024. The faculty consisted of Dr Matt O’Meara (Consultant in Anaesthesia, Major Trauma and Prehospital Medicine at the University Hospital of North Midlands NHS Trust), Dr Jake Turner (Consultant in Anaesthesia, Major Trauma and Prehospital Medicine at Nottingham University Hospital NHS Trust), Dr Alan Horan, Dr Murray Connolly and Dr Paudie Delaney (Consultants in Anaesthesia, CUH). Both Matt and Jake are subject matter experts with regard to major trauma management and have expertise in teaching similar courses in England.
Back row: Mr David Power (Manager for Simulation Training and Technologies, UCC ASSERT), Dr Jake Turner, Dr Murray Connolly. Front row: Dr Matt O’Meara, Ms Stephanie Ryng (Simulation Coordinator, UCC ASSERT), Dr Alan Horan
Candidates were consultants in anaesthesia from across Ireland. Course content included a series of didactic sessions covering an overview of the key principles of damage control resuscitation, the use of viscoelastic assays in goal directed transfusion and traumatic coagulopathy. The course candidates also had the opportunity to practice finger thoracostomy, subclavian vascular access and the management of the soiled airway on both high-fidelity mannequins and cadavers. The final component of the day consisted of simulated clinical scenarios which included management of traumatic brain injury, penetrating trauma and blunt polytrauma.
The TRAC course is designed to cater for the specific educational needs of Anaesthesiologists involved in delivering damage control resuscitation. Both the HSE National Office of Trauma Services and the CAI support the development of the TRAC Program and it was awarded 7.5 CME points for attendance. I hope in the future to roll this course out to advanced trainees, in addition to consultants, as part of a broader package of resuscitative trauma care education. My vision is that over the duration of postgraduate specialist training in Anaesthesiology, individuals will have increased access to multidisciplinary trauma courses including ATLS, ETC, ATACC (a human factors focused team based trauma simulation course) and the Anaesthesia specific TRAC.
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Dr’s Matt O’Meara, Jake Turner & Alan Horan
Professor George Shorten with members of the visiting faculty.
Professor George Shorten presented each of the visiting faculty with a framed photograph of Valentia Island Lighthouse, Co Kerry. This photograph was chosen as it is the cover image for the book ‘The Coastal Atlas of Ireland’ published by the Cork University Press in 2021. Mr Kieran Minehan, who took the original photograph, also took the team photographs in this article. He is a well known Cork photographer and also works as a Paramedic for the National Ambulance Service in Cork City.
For those on the search for a great gift for the book lover in your life, I would highly recommend The Coastal Atlas of Ireland (2001) by Robert Devoy, Val Cummins, Barry Brunt, Darius Bartlett and Sarah Kandrot; Cork University Press.
CAI Airway Masterclass, ASSERT Centre, UCC:
On November 15th 2024, Dr Pádraig Mahon (Consultant Anaesthesiologist, CUH) facilitated the fifth annual College of Anaesthesiologists in Ireland Airway Masterclass held at the ASSERT Centre, UCC. Airway management techniques discussed included fibreoptic intubation and emergency front of neck access.
College of Anaesthesiologists Simulation Program, ASSERT Centre, UCC
The College of Anaesthesiologists Simulation Training (CAST) Program is designed to facilitate anaesthetic trainees in developing technical and non-technical skills required for the management of critical events. An Anaesthetic Emergencies (AE) course was held on December 6th and a Crisis in Obstetric Anaesthesia (COAST) course was held on December 12th at the ASSERT Centre, UCC. Eight CAST courses in total were held at the ASSERT Centre in 2024. Faculty included Consultant Anaesthesiologists and senior Specialist Registrars from anaesthetic departments in Kerry, Limerick, Waterford and Cork.
Course leads Dr Murray Connolly (COAST), Dr Niamh Feely (SICC), Dr Oonagh Hickey (ARREST) and Dr Owen O’Sullivan (AE) would like to thank the candidates for their enthusiasm in engaging with these courses. They thank the faculty who were so generous with their time and expertise- and without whom these courses could not be delivered. They would also like to thank Mr Alan Thompson (Simulation Manager, CAI), Mr David Power (Manager for Simulation Training and Technology, ASSERT Centre, UCC), and Ms Catherine Kearney (RN, ICU, CUH).
PRactical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training (PROMPT), CUMH:
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On December 3rd 2024, another successful multidisciplinary PROMPT course was held at the Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH). PROMPT is a team training course whereby midwives, obstetricians and anaesthesiologists practise skills required to manage obstetric emergencies and it has been shown to improve outcomes for mothers and their babies. Candidates watch lectures on-line and attend workshops in multidisciplinary teams.
The faculty for the Maternal Collapse and Anaesthetic Emergencies Workshop included Ms Breda Hayes (Clinical Skills Facilitator, CUMH), Dr Orna Ni Choiléan (Anaesthesiology SpR, CUH), Dr Atilla Bondar and Dr Oonagh Hickey (Consultant Anaesthesiologists, CUH).
Cell Saver Training, CUMH:
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Pictured are Staff Nurses Ms Amberley Jacobs and Ms Michelle Ng at training in the use of Cell Salvage at the Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH) delivered by Mr Nick Bramwell, Leva Nova. Ms Jacobs will act as one of the CUMH Cell Salvage Leads. Cell Salvage is a method of collecting blood during an operation where blood loss is expected to be significant. The blood is filtered and washed before it is transfused back to the patient.
Welcome to Dr Vinnie Wall, Consultant Anaesthesiologist, SIVUH:
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Dr Vinnie Wall was appointed as a Consultant Anaesthesiologist at the South Infirmary Victoria University Hospital (SIVUH) in 2024. Vinnie is a Dublin man who spent quite a bit of his time training in Cork. He pursued fellowships in Ireland and France. His interests relating to anaesthesiology are paediatrics, regional, simulation and sustainability. He took over the CAI Tutor role at the SIVUH from Dr Tony Hennessy. He is also the treasurer for the Irish Hospital Consultants Association. He often likes to extoll the benefits of active transport and is on the executive board of the Irish Cycling Campaign. He loves his dog Miley, his orange bicycle and a pint in Maureen's pub in Shandon, Cork City. Vinnie and his wife Aisling recently welcomed a little Cork man called Senan.
We wish Vinnie and his family all the very best in the future.
The Inaugural Pan Cork Gas:
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The first Pan Cork Gas was held on the 15th November at Tequila Jacks Bar and Restaurant. Trainees and Consultants from the South Infirmary Victoria Hospital (SIVUH), the Mercy University Hospital (MUH) and the Cork University Hospital CUH) attended. The event was organised by Dr Roslyn Colgan (MUH), Dr Natalie Lenggenhager (CUH) and Dr Siobhan Murphy (SIVUH) (first photo).
The CAI Tutors Fund allocated to the three hospitals was used to provide food, which included nacho’s and chicken wings. The event was a great success and hopefully there will be many more combined activities in the future.
The Cork University Maternity Hospital Christmas Party:
Dr John Coulter, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, organised another fantastic CUMH Christmas Party at the Sunday’s Well Boating and Tennis Club. Entertainment included a “Beat the Intro” music quiz, with John on keyboard and a guest performance by Dr Kholofelo Madiva, Senior Registrar in Obstetrics.
CUH Department of Anaesthesia Charity December Swim:
Eleven members of the CUH Department of Anaesthesia and family members braved the elements on Saturday 14th December for a charity sea swim. The survivors warmed up in the HappyPlaceSauna, courtesy of the CAI Tutors Fund. Dr Aoife Driscoll (SpR) managed the fundraising aspect and €1220 was raised for Médecins Sans Frontières.
CUH Department of Anaesthesia End of Year Party:
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The CUH Department of Anaesthesia held the end of year Departmental Dinner at The Dean Hotel on December 14th. This provided the department with an opportunity to thank all members for their hard work and collegiality over the year.
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Coffee and a Gas:
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The CUH Department of Anaesthesia held its last Coffee and a Gas of the year on the 19th December. The Coffee and a Gas Program is a wellness initiative endorsed by the College of Anaesthesiologists in Ireland and the Association of Anaesthetists, and promotes members of anaesthetic departments gathering in a non clinical environment.
Baby news:
Congratulations to Dr David Lehane (SpR, CUH) and Ciara on the safe arrival of baby Roisin.
Wedding bells:
Congratulations to Dr Karl Knapman (Consultant Anaesthesiologist, CUH) and Mr Declan Cronin who were recently married in the Aula Maxima, UCC. We wish them both every happiness in the future.
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The Three Johnnies Fundraiser:
We congratulate Mr John Collins, Mr John Lenihan and Mr John Keenan (Portering Department, CUH) on raising nearly 20,000 over seven months for badly needed equipment for the paediatric ward at the CUH, including a mobile high-flow oxygen therapy unit. They have collected used bottles and cans at work which they have redeemed at local shops in their own time.
A Night at Thomond Park- the Portuguese-Belgian perspective:
Dr Laurens Minsart, PNB Fellow, CUH
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What is ‘one Irish activity’ you should experience when visiting Ireland? That is the question two Portuguese Fellows -Rita and Mariana- and a Belgian Fellow -Laurens- asked themselves as well. After arriving in Ireland, we all had that same craving for a proper Irish experience to fulfil our Cork Fellowship at the Cork University Hospital. Of course, this left us with no other option than to consult a full-blood Irishman that is the fellowship director -and part-time rugby coach and referee- Dr. Brian O’Donnell (Consultant Anaesthesiologist, CUH). A quick glance at the fixtures of Munster Rugby, showed us the ideal Saturday night outing on the 7th of December: the match Munster Rugby v Stade Français Paris.
So, we cooked up a plan to drive up to Limerick consulting the road map of meandering, blackthorn-avoiding roads towards the West Coast of Ireland. After a pleasant drive queueing up in the convoy to Thomond Park behind some farming vehicles, we arrived at the mouth of the Shannon River and parked the car. Immediately after leaving the parking garage, we were welcomed by the hyperborean winds of the Irish Midwest while joining the procession of fans converging around the stadium. Now, us Continentals weren’t prepared for these circumstances as one of us even brought sunglasses and the lack of scarfs or beanies motivated us to acquire fitting Munster Rugby attire on our way to Thomond Park.
When arriving at the stadium, the first thing to do was get ourselves some beverages, and after being in Cork for two months and having done our bit of ‘Stout Sampling’, we felt confident enough to order some pints. Oblivious as we are, we ordered three pints of Murphy’s and were met with a firm reaction of one of the patrons behind us: “You’re in Limerick now, not in Cork!” Three pints of Guinness in our hands, and a bit of local knowledge bestowed upon us, we found our seats and witnessed the Munster anthem “Stand up and fight”. I found this particularly cheeky to perform the classical Bizet tune right before facing off with the Parisian team, but of course we were unaware of the history behind SUAF and learned something unexpected about the history of Munster Rugby.
The match itself was nothing far from an ecstatic event, which had everything from an intense start to an anticlimactic second half with outcome-determining decisions from the referee, with in the end Munster coming out on top of the French team- which I can recommend to all Belgians who covet the feeling of victory over the French in sports.
With the warm feeling of victory and the freezing winds wrapped around us as blankets, we were once again bound for Cork. Heading to the Franciscan Well Brewery, we concluded our sports event with another malty beverage and some pizza slices on the side, and crossed this genuine experience from our Irish bucket list!
Dr Yasi Besharatian (SpR, CUH), Dr Cathal Lee (Reg, CUH), Dr Alan Horan and Dr Oonagh Hickey (Consultants, CUH)