UCC Anaesthesiology Newsletter

Welcome to the Autumn edition.
As the last vestige of summer fades away, we take a moment to reflect on a very busy last few months. We hope that this newsletter reflects the efforts and endeavours of an aspiring and, if we may say so, an inspiring cohort. We bring you academic, departmental and social updates including fun team-building activities- and a very spooky pumpkin (photo above: Dr Jasmine Aziz, SHO, CUH).
We note the ongoing development and expansion of the anaesthetic departments in response to increased service delivery in the region. We commend all those who facilitate teaching programs and who are conducting research. We wish all those preparing for exams the very best of luck.
As the evenings get darker and the flu season approaches, we must also remember to focus on our own well-being, so that we can best care for our patients and our families. Thankfully, it hasn’t been all work and no play as we will see in this newsletter.
As always, we welcome contributions from within and beyond the region. In the meantime, we hope that you will enjoy the Autumn edition of the UCC Anaesthesiology Newsletter.
The College of Anaesthesiologists in Ireland (CAI) Simulation Program, ASSERT Centre, University College Cork (UCC):
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A very successful CAI Anaesthesiology Related Rare Emergencies Simulation Training (ARREST) course was held on October 21st at the ASSERT Centre, UCC. Faculty included Dr Oonagh Hickey, Dr Mohsin Kamal (Consultant Anaesthesiologists, CUH), Dr Fiachra Morris, Dr Orla Murray and Dr Thomas Walsh (SpR’s, CUH). These courses provide a safe learning environment where technical and non-technical skills required for the management of rare but clinically significant anaesthetic emergencies can be refined. Huge thanks as always to the candidates, faculty and ASSERT staff for contributing to another very productive simulation training course.
PRactical Obstetric Multi-Professional Training (PROMPT) Course:
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Another PROMPT course was held at the Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH) on July 17th. PROMPT is a multidisciplinary team training program which has been shown to improve outcomes for mothers and their babies. Candidates watched online lectures and participated in workshops to improve the team response to obstetric emergencies. The faculty for the Maternal Collapse and Anaesthetic Emergencies Workshop included Ms Mary Prince (CNM2, Clinical Skills Facilitator), Dr Fiachra Morris (Anaesthesiology SpR), and Dr Oonagh Hickey (Consultant Anaesthesiologist).
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Cork University Maternity Hospital (CUMH) Theatre Adult Resuscitation Simulation Team Training:
On July 22nd, the CUMH theatre team ran an Adult Resuscitation Team Training Simulation. The skills required to respond to a critical event in the Theatre Recovery Room were practised and many useful learning points were identified and discussed in the debrief. Faculty included Ms Mary Prince (CNM2, Clinical Skills Facilitator), Dr Fiachra Morris (Anaesthesiology SpR), and Dr Oonagh Hickey (Consultant Anaesthesiologist). Dr Sean Griffin (Anaesthesiology SpR) participated in the simulation.
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Another in-situ simulation training session was held in the CUMH on the 27th of September. 24 members of the Multi Disciplinary Team ran through an obstetric resuscitation scenario in the operating theatre. Representatives from the Department of Anaesthesia included Dr. Fionn Ó Laoire (Consultant Anaesthesiologist, facilitator) and Dr. Mary Twomey and Dr. Hassan Khan (SAT 2 trainees) who participated in the simulation. Observers included Dr Alaa Mohammed (Anaesthesiology Reg) and Dr Sinead McKenna (Anaesthesiology SHO).
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The CUH Department of Anaesthesia welcomes new Consultant Anaesthesiologists:
Dr Ahmed Elsaka:
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(photographed with his son Yusu)
Since his graduation from Alexandria University in Egypt in 2007, Ahmed has worked and trained in four countries: Egypt, Bahrain, UK and Ireland. He worked as a consultant in UHG and UHW, before joining the Department of Anaesthesia at the CUH in May 2024. Ahmed has an interest in Intensive Care Medicine. In 2012, he completed a Masters Degree in Critical Care Medicine (M.Sc., Alexandria University, Egypt) and in 2015 he completed the European Diploma of Intensive Care (EDIC). He is a Member of the Royal College of Physicians (MRCP-UK), a Fellow of the College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland (FCAI), and a Fellow of the Joint Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine of Ireland (FJFICMI). Ahmed is a FUSIC (Focused Ultrasound in Intensive Care) Heart and Lung Ultrasound mentor and is a faculty member for the CAI echocardiography teaching program. In 2016, he organised a national course for Ultrasound and Echocardiography in Critical Care in Bahrain. He was a committee member for the development of the clinical information system in the ICU at UHL. Ahmed is part of the Anaesthetic Simulation Faculty at the CAI and at ASSERT, UCC. He is also widely published in peer-reviewed journals and a co-author of “Clinical Scenarios in Critical Care for Undergraduate and Postgraduate Trainees.” In his free time, Ahmed enjoys playing football and chess.
Dr Kate O’Hare:
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Kate completed her anaesthesia training in Ireland in 2018 before moving to Perth, Australia for her fellowships. Following this she was appointed as a Consultant Anaesthesiologist at Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital, Perth. Kate’s clinical interests include perioperative medicine, medical education and simulation. Outside of work Kate enjoys spending time with her young family, watersports and music.
Dr Fionn Ó Laoire:
(photographed with Imogen on Cape Clear Island)
Fionn earned his medical degree from University College Cork and completed his intern year around Cork, including two terms at the Cork University Hospital. He then moved to Perth, Australia where he completed his specialist anaesthesiology training. Prior to being appointed to the Cork University Hospital and Cork University Maternity Hospital, Fionn worked as a consultant in Fiona Stanley Hospital and the Royal Flying Doctors Service of Western Australia. Fionn has a broad range of clinical interests. Outside of work he enjoys hurling, rugby, music and spending time with his family.
CUH Theatre Staff Wellbeing Group:
The CUH Theatre Staff Wellbeing Group has developed a “Going Home Checklist” which is displayed around the theatre areas with tips to assist staff in transitioning from an often challenging work environment to going home. Dr JR Sheehan (Consultant Anaesthesiologist) is the anaesthesiology representative in the group.
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World Anaesthesia Day:
The CAI marked World Anaesthesia Day on the 16th October with a photographic competition of events to promote wellbeing and teamwork in Departments around the country. First and third places were won by the CUH Department of Anaesthesia for photographs submitted by Dr Yasi Besharatian of the go-karting and Fun Run respectively (see below). Second prize was won by the Department of Anesthesia at University Hospital Limerick for a photograph of a kayaking outing on the River Shannon.
Dr Patrick Hassett, Consultant Anaesthesiologist, CUH, delivered a talk on the future of anaesthesia with an emphasis on wellness to the CUH Anaesthetic Department to mark the day.
Diwali Celebrations:
Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, was celebrated on the 31st of October. Sweet treats were shared in the Delivery Suite of the CUMH to mark the occasion. We wish all our Hindu friends and colleagues a very happy Diwali.
The 31st of October also marked the last working day of Ms Jo Nolan (CMM II, Delivery Suite), photographed with Ms Mary Newslands (Domino Midwife) at the party held in her honour in the Multidisciplinary Staff Room on the Delivery Suite. Colleagues remarked on the calm and capable manner in which Jo cared for mothers and babies over her many years working in the maternity services in Cork City. Jo will certainly be missed but we wish her every good wish and happiness in her retirement.
CUH Department of Anaesthesia Wellness Initiatives:
Coffee and a Gas Program:
The Coffee and a Gas Program is a wellness initiative endorsed by the Association of Anaesthetists and the College of Anaesthesiologists of Ireland (CAI) to encourage members of departments to meet for a chat in a non-clinical environment. It is especially important in such a large department spread over several campuses.
The CUH Wellness Leads include Dr Yasi Besharatian (SpR), Dr Cathal Lee (Registrar), Dr Vignesh Naidu (Registrar), Dr Natalie Lenggenhager (SHO), Dr Oonagh Hickey and Dr JR Sheehan (Consultants). The Wellness Team thanks the CAI for providing the Tutor Education Fund which financed the Coffee and a Gas Program and other team-building initiatives.
The CUH Department of Anaesthesia Wellness Group held a “Coffee and a Gas” on July 11th. Members of the department gathered in the anaesthetic office for a cupcake and a chat, providing an opportunity for new members to introduce themselves.
On September 17th, to coincide with the CAI Wellness Webinar, a Wellness Brunch was hosted in the departmental office. A break from cupcakes, CUH anaesthesiologists enjoyed a sample of the finer things in life with some figs, olives and a bit of chèvre.
Halloween treats including cupcakes, doughnuts and jellies were shared on October 31st.
Pizza Party:
Dr Natalie Lenggenhager organised a departmental outing at Fionnbarra’s Pub and Beer Garden for pizza on July 25th. The pizza’s were paid for by the CAI Tutor Fund.
CUH Anaesthetic Department Fun Run
On August 28th, Dr Gillian Crowe (SpR) created a friendly competition between the trainees and consultants in the department at the Cork Business Houses Athletic Association (BHAA) 5 Km run in Tramore Park. Despite an even playing field, the consultant group outperformed the younger athletes. Rumours that the trainees let them win have been firmly denied.
A more high-octane challenge was organised by Dr Yasi Besharatian. Following the success of last year’s venture, a repeat race in Adventure Park, Watergrasshill was held. Fifteen competitors set out to burn some rubber and claim some bragging rights as both Consultants and trainees suited up. The stakes were set a little higher as conditions could only be described as strictly for “no unnecessary journeys.” After a quick safety briefing and decisions made regarding wet tyres versus intermediates, the competitors headed out. A few tentative warm-up laps later, the grid was assembled and backed-up akin to a safety car restart in Formula One. While many may have been hoping to channel their inner Ayrton Senna at Donnington ‘93, I think we did well to avoid a recreation of the 13 car pile up at the Belgian Grand Prix in ‘98 as we hurtled down toward the first corner with minimal visibility and negligible confidence in tyre grip.
These were exceptionally tricky conditions that continued to worsen as the rain came down heavier and heavier. The racing line evolved into any part of the track that one managed to keep all four wheels upon! Those unfamiliar with the term “aquaplaning” became intimately acquainted as hairpin corners started to resemble the fabled Rainbow Roads from Mario Kart. With the DRS zones deactivated for safety reasons, overtaking became a game of chicken at the slow speed corners. Typically, those with the most nerve to break as late as possible tend to win these duels, but on this night the victory went to the one most composed while also avoiding the inevitable spin out evolving in front of them.
As always, the cream rose to the top and the chequered flag came down to a three horse race. The leaders all finished with a commendable 34 laps completed and at least a lap ahead of the rest of the pack. The spoils went to Dr Albert Hanekom who claimed a 5 second victory over Dr Sean Griffin. The podium was completed by Dr Ben Atterton 30 seconds behind, accrediting his bronze trophy to some excellent zig-zagging and tyre management during his formation lap.
All good-natured competition requires some forfeit. For a spirited, if dismal, performance: Dr Robert Onulov claimed the “Miami-J of Shame” for being the backmarker of proceedings. He accepted the charge and the consolation lollipop like a true champion.
For the second year in succession, this race has become a washout. Fingers crossed for some optimal conditions in the future, but Dr Robert Plant announced that he’s “bringing the wet suit next time!”
Something in the Air…
The CUH Department of Anaesthesia has seen a number of life-altering announcements since July- there must be something in the waters down in Cork.
Wedding bells:
Congratulations to our beloved rota-maker, Dr Gillian Crowe and Dr Ben Atterton on their wedding in sunny France! Ben was previously a Regional Anaesthesia Fellow at the CUH and has recently been appointed as Consultant at St James Hospital, Dublin. We wish them every good wish and happiness as they start their married life.
Congratulations also to our colleague Dr Zartasha Bhatti on her recent wedding in Lahore, Pakistan. After a two and a half years stint in the CUH, Dr Bhatti is joining Hasan in Birmingham- much to our loss and their gain.
Over to the men in the department- congratulations also to both Dr Paul Ryan and Dr Cathal Lee on their recent respective engagements.
Baby news:
Finally not to be outdone, major congratulations to Dr Paudie Delaney (Consultant Anaesthesiologist) and his wife Dr Evelyn Hannon on the arrival of their second child Darragh, and to Dr Dylan Gouveia (ICU Fellow) and his wife Dr Emma Gouveia (Emergency Medicine-Paediatric Registrar) on the arrival of their first child Jones. We wish both families every health and happiness in the future.
CUH Department of Anesthesia Anaesthesiologist of the Week:
Continuing a tradition established in the last two years by Dr Kim O’Brien (SpR), we have been running a weekly award where those who have gone above and beyond are recognised by their peers. This is not a clinical performance award, but an acknowledgement of sound behaviour such as covering call shifts, arranging extracurricular activities, organising exam preparation sessions or keeping morale steady during a rocky night through sheer strength of character. The list of winners to date include: Dr Fiachra Morris (SpR), Dr Natalie Leggenhager (SHO), Dr Seamus Daly (SpR), Dr Cathal Lee (Reg), Dr Vignesh Naidu (Reg), Dr Islam Daffala (SHO), Dr Seamus Daly (SpR- again), Dr Zartasha Bhatti (SHO), Dr Gillian Crowe (SpR), Dr Orla Murray (SpR), Dr Robert Onulov (Reg), Dr Michael O’Grady (Intern), Dr Dylan Gouveia (ICU Fellow).
Happy Birthday UCC!
We note that November 7th 2024 marks 175 years since the formal opening of University College Cork, previously Queens College, Cork. On November 8th 1849, the School of Medicine registered 22 students. Many thousands have since graduated from the UCC School of Medicine, including many of our readers. The School of Medicine continued to evolve and expand and 225 students enrolled in First Year Medicine in 2024. We wish all the medical undergraduates the very best of luck in their future careers and hope that some will consider anaesthesiology as a future speciality.
2024 Olympic Games:
Finally we would like to congratulate Team Ireland on their accomplishments in the 2024 Olympics. We particularly congratulate UCC graduates Dr Paul O Donovan (MB BCh BAO 2023) and Mr Fintan McCarthy (BSc 2019) who won gold in the men's lightweight double sculls.
We also congratulate Dr Phillip Doyle and Mr Daire Lynch who took bronze in the men’s heavyweight double skulls. Phillip previously worked in the CUH as an SHO and Daire hails from Clonmel.
Dr Yasi Besharatian (SpR, CUH), Dr Cathal Lee (Registrar, CUH), Dr Oonagh Hickey (Consultant, CUH).