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Teaching Awards Archive

Teaching Awards 2024

The awards ceremony for 2023/2024 was held in the Aula Maxima in December 2024. 

Award Awardee                                                     
Lifetime Contribution

Dr Denis Ring

Department of Process and Chemical Engineering 

Man wearing grey jumper
Professional Services

Dr Loretta Goff

Skills Centre

Woman wearing dark blue top
Professional Services

Dr Niamh O'Mahoney

School of Chemistry

Woman wearing green shirt
PostGrad Tutor

James Harte

School of Biochemsitry and Cell Biology

Man outdoors wearing black jacket
Early Teaching Career

Dr William Durkan

Department of Geography

Man in suit and tie
Early Teaching Career

Dr Katy Dineen

Centre for the integration of Research, Teaching and Learning and Department of Philosophy

Woman wearing white top
Early Teaching Career

Dr Andrea Visentin

Department of Computer Science

man in blue shirt
Established Teaching Career

Dr Mohammed Abdulla

Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience

Man outdoors wearing black jumper
Established Teaching Career

Dr Nicola Bessell

Department of Speech and Hearing Science

Three woman standing together
Established Teaching Career

Michael Murphy 

Department of Marketing and Management

Man wearing blue shirt and suit jacket
Established Teaching Career Department of German Woman by water wearing a hat





The following individuals and teams were awarded for excellence in teaching in December 2023.



Award Awardee                      
Lifetime Contribtion Dr Frank Burke, School of Dentistry Profile picture man
Postgraduate Tutor/ Demonstrator Daniel O’Callaghan, PhD, Applied Psychology Man talking at podium
Postgraduate Tutor/ Demonstrator Noreen Kane, PhD, Italian Woman wearing grey hat
Early Career Teaching Staff (0-5 years teaching in HE) 

Cathal McCarthy

SL, Medicine/Pharmacology

Man standing at glass wall
Early Career Teaching Staff (0-5 years teaching in HE) 

Theresa O’Donovan

CL, Medicine/Medical Imaging & Radiation

woman in medical setting
Early Career Teaching Staff (0-5 years teaching in HE)  

Stephen McCarthy,


man in blue suit
Established Teaching Staff (5+ years teaching in HE )

Carol Condon

CL, Nursing & Midwifery

Profile picture woman standing
Established Teaching Staff (5+ years teaching in HE )

Marie Ryan

CL, Economics 

Close up of woman
Established Teaching Staff (5+ years teaching in HE ) Siobhán Mortell Language Teacher, German


Established Teaching Staff (5+ years teaching in HE ) Team: (all CLs) - Dave Alton, Helen McGrath, Conor Drummond, Sean Tanner (Management & Marketing Four people standing
Established Teaching Staff (5+ years teaching in HE ) Team/pair: (SL & CL, Frank van Pelt & Gerardene Meade-Murphy, Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics, School of Medicine man and woman standing at rail
Established Teaching Staff (5+ years teaching in HE )  Team:  Guangbo Hao (SL), Briony Supple (SL), Alex Pentek (artist & visiting lecturer at UCC), Nico Lorenzutti (RSO) (School of Engineering SEFS and School of Education 4 profile pictures
Professional Services/Student Support/Technical Staff or equivalent James Northridge Manager of Inclusive UCC, ODPR Man sitting on step
Professional Services/Student Support/Technical Staff or equivalent

Laura Lee

Learning Enhancement Project Manager, CIRTL/OVPLT

Woman sitting at a table
Professional Services/Student Support/Technical Staff or equivalent

Team: Library’s Academic Technology Team – Martin O’Driscoll, Stephanie Chen, William Ruane, Declan Synott, David Hackett (Library, OVPLT)

four people standing in room

Office of Vice-President for Learning and Teaching

Oifig an Leasuachtaráin Foghlama agus Teagaisc

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC
