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Martín Veiga awarded the prestigious award Pedrón de Honra

For his work on Galician Studies and promotion of Galician language and culture.
Dr Martín Veiga, lecturer in the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies and director of the Irish Centre for Galician Studies, was awarded this year's prestigious award Pedrón de Honra for a career dedicated to the promotion and visibilization of Galician language and literature abroad.
The Pedrón de Honra is awarded to the most prominent advocate for Galician language and culture and this year, the Pedrón de Ouro foundation celebrated Martín Veiga's individual work as a researcher and a poet, as well as his role as the director of the Irish Centre for Galician Studies in UCC, which has become, according to the foundation, as 'one of the most dynamic fora in terms of teaching, promotion and research activities around Galician language and culture abroad'. Martín Veiga co-edits the academic journal 'Galicia 21: Journal of Contemporary Galician Studies' and coordinates the panel on Galician Studies in the Association of Hispanists of Great Britain and Ireland yearly conference, as well as being a representative of Irish universities in the executive committee of the association.
Among his academic interests are contemporary Galician literature, particularly poetry, literary translation and travel writing in the Iberian world. He has written extensively about the life and work of Galician poet Antón Avilés de Taramancos, including a monograph on the author entitled Escribir na multitude: A obra literaria de Antón Avilés de Taramancos (2014). Martín Veiga's poetry is included in several anthologies and collective books, both Irish and Galician, as well as being published in five award-winning individual collections: Tempo van de porcelana (1990), As últimas ruínas (1994, Espiral Maior Award), Ollos de ámbar (2005, Esquío award), Fundaxes (2006, Fiz Vergara Vilariño award) and Diario de Crosses Green (2016).