V SILAS conference
The Society for Irish Latin American Studies, the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies, UCC and the Geography Department, UCC invite you to participate in “Entangled Histories and Cultures: Re-mapping diasporas and migrations between Ireland and Latin America,” an international and interdisciplinary conference at University College Cork, Ireland, 25-27 June 2015. The proximity of Cork harbour, historically an important gateway for migration and trade between Ireland, Spain, and Latin America, provides a stimulating setting from which to explore Ireland’s engagement with the Iberian Atlantic world. Irish people moved and settled in the company of transatlantic diasporas from Europe, Africa, and Asia in the context of Empire. Inter-ethnic relations and cross-cultural connections were complicated by processes of class, race, and gender. We invite papers and panels from across the Humanities and Social Sciences focused on entangled histories and legacies of migration through different eras of colonialism, independence, and globalisation. We also welcome papers on the memory, representation, and transformation of the relationship between Ireland and Latin America.
Topics might include but are not limited to:
- Private histories/public histories
- Colonialism/anti-colonialism
- Labour, gender and racialisation
- Slavery, anti-slavery
- Freedom, human rights, indigenous rights
- Sexualities, race and mestizaje
- Migration, diaspora, exile
- Languages, literacies, discourse
- Exile: political, social, linguistic
- Peregrinations, wanderings, religious/official journeys
- Lands, landings, placing and mapping
- Sea voyages, Safe Harbours, Perilous Passages/Safe Passages, Perilous Harbours
- Documents, passports, carnets de voyages and de passages/ travelogues/travel narratives
- Alternative epistemologies
- Difficulties of entanglement
- Ekphrasis: Imagi(ni)ng journeys, fictional migrations, (dis-) appearing acts
- Visual culture, music, dance
- Literature, journalism
- Missionaries, government aid, trade
- Transnational digital communities
- Neo-liberalism, environmental, development, and food relations
- Affinities/resistances
- Solidarities/exploitations
- Film Studies: documentaries, short films, docufictions, current affairs programmes and migrations
- The art of travelling, travelling and art, travel literature
- Mental and physical health: diasporas, migrations and exiles