
Head of the Department
Name: Professor Nicole Müller
Telephone: +353 (0)21 490 1537
Room: BHSC 1.35
Department Administrator
Name: Tessa Dorosh
Telephone: +353 (0)21 4901577
Room: BHSC2.27
Name: Dr Amr El Refaie
Position: Senior Lecturer and Programme Director
Telephone: +353 (0)21 420 5607
Room: BHSC LG106
Name: Jamie Moore
Position: Lecturer MSc Audiology
Telephone: +353 (0)21 420 5624
Room: BHSC LG105
Name: Teresa O'Rourke
Position: Practice Education Coordinator
Telephone: +353 (0)21 420 5606
Room: BHSC LG104
Problem Based Learning Team
First year PBL tutors
Second year PBL tutors
Third year PBL tutors
Practice Education Team
Kerrie O’ Grady - Practice Education Coordinator
Kerrie is the Practice Education Coordinator (PEC) for the BSc (Hons) in Speech and Language Therapy programme run in University College Cork (UCC).
Kerrie graduated from UCC in 2004 with a BSc (Hons) in Speech & Language Therapy (SLT). She started her SLT career working with Co-Action West Cork where she gained experience working with children with a variety of complex communication needs including those associated with Autism, Down Syndrome & Cerebral Palsy. She also worked with the private practice Clinical Assessment and Therapy and Training Services from 2013 to 2015
Kerrie completed a post graduate certificate in the Management of Eating, Drinking and Swallowing Disorders in Children and Adults in 2011 in the University of Limerick.
Kerrie joined the Department of Speech and Hearing Sciences 2015, first as a Problem Based Learning Tutor (PBL) and then taking up the position as Practice Education Coordinator in 2016.
Kerrie has completed training in:
- Hanen ‘It Takes Two to Talk’
- Lámh Sign System
- Alternative & Augmentative Communication (AAC)
- Elklan Training in Supporting Children’s Language and Learning
- Nuffield Dyspraxia Programme
- Simulation Based Learning in Speech Pathology Education Dr. Anne Hill University of Queensland.
- Ann Parker Interdisciplinary Practice Education Workshop Facilitator Training
Conference Presentations:
‘The Evolution of Practice Education: Sharing the Learning’. National Conference June 2021
Carroll A, O’Grady K, O’Rourke T, O’ Shea A. (2018). An exploration of students’ perceptions of engaging in interprofessional education in preparation for practice placements. HSCP National Practice Education Conference 2018
Cronin, M., Healy, S., O’Grady, K., Loughman, N., Brophy, J., Donohoe, C. (2018). Development of students’ self-reflection skills: A change in teaching approach through interdisciplinary collaborative work. HSCP National Practice Education Conference 2018.
Cronin, M., Healy, S., O’Grady, K., Loughman, N., Brophy, J., Donohoe, C. (2018). Interdisciplinary practice educator training: Is learning together more valuable?. HSCP National Practice Education Conference 2018.
O'Grady K.; Loftus L.; Kiely F.; Quigley D. (2021) 'Reflections on a collaborative, cross-university national call for speech and language therapy placements during the covid-19 pandemic'. International Journal Of Practice-Based Learning In Health And Social Care, 9 (2):78-81.
Quigley D.; Loftus L.; McGuire A.; O'Grady K. (2020) 'An optimal environment for placement learning: listening to the voices of speech and language therapy students'. International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders, 55, 506–519.
President’s Award for Excellence in Teaching – Team Award 2021
Noreen Loughman
Noreen studied Speech and Language Therapy at Trinity College, Dublin and following graduation, has worked as a Speech and Language Therapist since July 1985, firstly in Community Services in the HSE area, formerly Midland Health Board, from 1985-1996, as a staff grade therapist and Acting Senior, in community care and acute hospital settings. She then moved to Cork and HSE South in 1996 and has been working in Community/Primary Care services since 1996 in a variety of roles on the primary care team and in community hospital settings, including Acting SLT Manager ( Aug 97-Feb 98; June- Dec 99) and as Senior Speech and Language Therapist from 2003 to the present. She has a wide range of clinical experience with paediatric and adult clients, with developmental speech and language impairments, acquired communication disorders and voice disorders. As well as experience clinically, she has experience of planning and management of services for adults with communication disability. She has had a strong interest throughout her career in providing clinical placements for students. She took up a role as Practice Tutor in 2017 and is a member of the Practice Education team to date.
Her clinical interests include adult voice disorders, treatments for Parkinson’s disease, acquired brain injury and cognitive communication disorders.
Her student education interests include supporting the student to develop clinical skills in the most client centred and creative ways; supporting student resilience and wellbeing; empowering students to be mindful, creative and hardy, while learning to put the client at the centre of their therapeutic interaction. She is involved in the preparation of students for placement via workshop presentations, tutorials and simulation. She facilitates a 2nd year paediatric weekly clinic and co-facilitates a 3rd year adult Conversation Partner programme, a UCC/HSE partnership, for students and adult clients with Aphasia.
She co-facilitates workshops on practice education for Practice Educators (PEs)/ placement providers locally ahead of placement and supports the students and PEs during paediatric and adult placements in Primary Care and CAMHS settings.
Noreen is a member of the Irish Association of Speech and Language Therapists (IASLT) and is registered with CORU.
Sinead Healy
Sinead is a Practice Tutor and Paediatric Senior Speech and Language Therapist working with Enable Ireland Children’s Services Cork.
Sinéad graduated from University College Cork (UCC) in 2011 with a BSc (Hons) in Speech & Language Therapy. Sinéad worked in COPE Foundation disability services followed by Enable Ireland. Here she gained experience working with children with a variety of communication needs including those associated with Autism, Down Syndrome & Cerebral Palsy. Sinéad has a special interest in working with non-speaking/minimally verbal children. She is passionate about using Alternative & Augmentative Communication (AAC) to support language development.
Sinéad completed a Masters in Personal and Management Coaching from UCC in 2017. Sinéad believes in the use of coaching within clinical practice and education.
Sinéad joined the practice education team in UCC as a Practice Tutor in 2017. In 2018 she moved to Dubai, UAE where she worked in private practice with children with language delays/disorders, developmental delays, autism and speech disorders. In this multi-cultural city she worked with many bilingual children and gained a greater appreciation for different cultures.
Sinéad returned to the role of Practice Tutor in UCC in 2021. Sinéad facilitates 2nd year placement in Enable Ireland Cork Children’s Services.
Sinéad is committed to continuous professional development and has completed training in
- Hanen ‘It Takes Two to Talk’
- DIR Floortime
- Lámh Sign System
- Alternative & Augmentative Communication (AAC)
- Diagnostic Interview for Social Communication Disorders (DISCO)
- Nuffield Dyspraxia Programme
- Diagnosis and Treatment of CAS Using Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC)
- Routines Based Intervention
- Ausome Training: Strategies for supporting autistic kids and teens socially
- Simulation Based Learning in Speech Pathology Education Dr. Anne Hill University of Queensland.
- Ann Parker Interdisciplinary Practice Education Workshop Facilitator Training
- Barndardos Making the most of Supervision for Supervisors
Conference Presentations:
2017: Progressing Disability Services Conference, Limerick, Ireland
‘Communication is Core’ outlining importance of teaching core vocabulary within AAC (Poster Presentation).
2018 HSCP Practice Education Conference, Dublin, Ireland
Inter-disciplinary Practice Educator Training: Is learning together more valuable? (Poster Presentation)
Developing and supporting Speech & Language Therapy students’ self-reflection skills -a change in teaching approach through interdisciplinary collaborative work. (Poster Presentation)
IASLT Update Magazine Spring/Summer 2018 ‘Communication is Core’
Niamh Sheehan
Niamh is a UCC Regional Placement Facilitator and the Practice Tutor for placements in the South East region.
Having graduated from UCC with a BSc (Hons) in Speech and Language Therapy in 2010, Niamh has worked in a number of clinical settings across the country. She worked with children and adults with an intellectual disability in Ability West, Galway; with Happy Talk, Cork City Partnership & HSE, in Cork and with children with physical disabilities in Enable Ireland, Cork.
Niamh has a keen interest in supporting families and communication partners to build capacity to support communication and use language development strategies.
Niamh enjoys travel, and has also volunteered with the Association of People with Disabilities, Bangalore, India helping with AAC and building total communication environments in schools and worked with Aphasia New Zealand.
Since starting with the Practice Education team in UCC in 2019, Niamh has worked with many students, and loves seeing students develop and make continuous changes to practice though placements and reflection. She is passionate about coaching in speech and language therapy, and would love to see students developing this skill during student clinics and placements. Niamh facilitates the 2nd year weekly clinics in Brookfield, and is tutor for the 3rd year adult ID weekly clinics.
Niamh is committed to continuous professional development and has completed the following trainings:
Simulation Based Learning in Speech Pathology Education
Ann Parker Interdisciplinary Practice Education Facilitator Training
Barndardos: Making the most of Supervision for Supervisors
Talking Mats Tutor Training
Hanen ITTT & More Than Words
Lámh FETAC Level 5 Tutor Training
Post Basic Dysphagia Training, Manchester
DIR Floortime
Diagnosis and Treatment of CAS Using Dynamic Temporal and Tactile Cueing (DTTC)
Trainings with Alex Kelly, Caroline Bowen
Derbyshire Language Scheme
Aoife Sheehy
Aoife is a Regional Placement Facilitator specialising in acquired communication & swallowing disorders in the adult population. Aoife is a CORU registered speech and language therapist, a member of IASLT and ISTI.
Aoife graduated from the University of Limerick with an MSc in Speech and Language Therapy in 2007 and completed her postgraduate in dysphagia through the North Dublin hospitals group in 2008. Prior to obtaining her Masters, Aoife obtained a BA in Applied Languages (German & Spanish) through the University of Limerick.
Aoife has a range of national and international experience in healthcare across the continuum of patient care. Early in her career through her work at The National Rehabilitation Hospital, Dun Laoghaire, Aoife became passionate about the provision of therapy to patients with acute and progressive neurological conditions. Later while based in Melbourne, she led an aged care service specialising in aged care rehabilitation, dementia assessment and management and home discharges. She also coordinated the videofluoroscopy clinic service and is proficient in the interpretation and reporting of various aetiologies of oropharyngeal dysphagia. Aoife was an Associate Researcher for the VERSE randomised control research trial that commenced in Australia in 2014 aiming to prove the effectiveness of early intensive language therapy post stroke.
Whilst working for the NHS in London, Aoife trained in tracheostomy management and weaning, working closely with the critical care teams. Prior to relocating back to Ireland, she completed her training in reporting and scoping in FEES practice (Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing.
Through her work in the UK and Australia, Aoife developed an interest in education through her clinical supervision & mentoring of speech & language therapists (SLTs), SLTs in training and management of other allied health professionals. Aoife acted as Student Coordinator for her team aiming to promote student engagement within the department. Whilst working for the NHS, Aoife participated in a fully funded 6 month leadership programme which included personalised mentoring & coaching.
Aoife joined the Practice Education Team in UCC in 2021 and was responsible for the set up and running of UCC’s first Adult Teletherapy clinic for patients with acquired communication disorders. This clinic ran for 9 months during the COVID 19 pandemic and facilitated 3rd and 4th year block placements.
Aoife commenced in the role of Regional Placement Facilitator in January 2022. Aoife is involved in Practice Education for 3rd & 4th year speech & language therapists in training.
Continuing Professional Development
Simulation Based Learning in Speech Pathology Education, University of Queensland (online)
Speech and Language Therapy for Transgender/Gender Diverse Adult Clients
Fibreoptic Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES), Imperial College London
Introduction to Teaching & Supervision in Healthcare, Health Education England
Developing Allied Health Professionals as Leads
Professional Supervision & Mentoring, Melbourne
Auslan, Australian Sign Language
Practice Educator Training, UCL & City Universities, London
Cognitive Rehabilitation Workshop for Professionals, Brain Tree Training, London
SIMTRACH & Tracheostomy Management, Royal London Hospital
Frontotemporal Dementia Symposium, Eastern Health Melbourne
Conference Presentations
‘Learning to Swallow Together: Interprofessional Management of Dysphagia’, Teaching & Learning Showcase 2023, Oral Presentation, University College Cork
‘Simulated Learning in the Clinical Education of Speech and Language Therapy Students.’ Teaching & Learning Showcase & COMET Conference 2023, Poster Presentation, University College Cork
‘Development of a Student-led Teletherapy for adult clients in Speech and Language Therapy’. Teaching & Learning Showcase 2022, Oral Presentation, University College Cork