Information on research projects
Published Research Projects
Year one:
AU6014 - Information Literacy and Research Strategies - 5 credits
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Plan and conduct an exhaustive literature search and review by developing advanced skills of locating and accessing information constituting primary and secondary texts in Audiology
- Analyse and critically evaluate the quality of information accessed in terms of its provenance.
- Describe literature searches in terms of search strategy, including search terms and Boolean operators used, descriptions of the research portals and search engines utilized, hit rates for different search terms and measures of the useful yields presented as a numerical account of this process.
- Evaluate the validity of quantitative and qualitative research methods as applied in specific instances of research in Audiology.
- Critically evaluate medico-legal and ethical issues that attend the practice of research in Audiology. Describe the elements and structure of a research proposal.
- Conduct a pilot research project.
- Value the process of research and development for the profession of Audiology.
- Total Marks 100
- Individual presentation: 50 marks
- 2000 word pilot research project: 50 marks
Year two:
AU6022 - Research Methods for Audiology - 5 credits
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Identify and define a wide range of epistemological concepts pertinent to both quantitative and qualitative research designs
- Relate quantitative and qualitative research techniques and research designs to evidence-based practice carried out by health professionals in the clinical setting
- Describe and value the ethical principles governing the practice of research in Audiology
- Use appropriate software to carry out qualitative and quantitative analyses on research data
- Critically evaluate quantitative and qualitative research papers in Audiology and its related disciplines
- Evaluate the validity of qualitative methods as applied in specific instances of research in Audiology
- Generate a research proposal which identifies a viable research question, a set of precise research aims and a proposed methodology germane to the research aims
- Complete an application for ethical approval of research in Audiology with reference to internationally-recognised standards in scientific clinical research
- Describe the process of implementing a research and development programme in Audiology.
- Total Marks 100
- Individual presentation: 60 marks
- Ethics application and associated documents: 40 marks
Year two:
AU6025 - Audiology Research Project - 10 credits
Learning Outcomes:
On successful completion of this module, students should be able to:
- Identify and present a viable research question
- Describe a rationale of the project, clear aims and relevant clinical population, using the PICO method
- Organise timely and efficient data collection
- Manage and co-ordinate relevant external factors for the purposes of completing a research project
- Apply the principles of systematic reviews to the research question and demonstrate effectiveness in search methodologies and estimation of bias in relevant data
- Interpret the results of the analysis in the light of the aims of the research.
- Prepare a detailed report of the research project in the form of a journal article
- Present a summary of the research to an audience of peers and scholars.
- Total Marks 200
- Write-up of research project:150 marks
- Individual seminar presentation: 50 marks