Information on clinical placement

Practice Education Team
The role of the practice education team is to support the student and the practice educator during the placement.
The practice education coordinator (PEC):
The Audiology PEC is a senior audiologist who co-ordinates practice education and addresses matters in relation to clinical practice from UCC. The Audiology PEC is based at the university and oversees the practice education programme in terms of workshops, placements, practice teaching and quality assurance.
Practice Tutor (PT):
The Audiology PT is a Senior Audiologist based at UCC who is responsible for regularly liasing with students and their Practice Educators on placement. The PT provides weekly clinical tutorials to students and is responisible in providing pre-placement briefing, information and guidance to students and practice educators.
Practice Educator (PE):
The PE is an audiologist who oversees the education of students in clinical sites and monitors their case management.
The goals of practice education for the course are:
- To provide students with clinical experience that is problem-based and theory-driven, and which complements the academic curriculum.
- To provide students with a variety of experiences in identifying, assessing, diagnosing, treating and managing patients of all ages with hearing and balance related disorders.
- To provide students with the experience of working with other professionals involved with the management of people with hearing and balance related disrders.
- To support students to become independent Audiologists.
Weekly placement:
Students attend the in house Brookfield Audiology Clinic once a week in year one and year two.
Block Practice Education
Students will be allocated practice education placement throughout Ireland and the United Kingdom and must be prepared to travel outside of Cork and if needed arrange short-term accommodation near the placement sites. Students will incur the costs of travel to clinical locations as well as the costs of accommodation. Students must work with any client-group as determined by the placement provider.
Year One:
Semester One | Semester Two | Semester Three |
1 week | 2 Weeks | 13 Weeks |
23/11/20 to 27/11/20 |
26/04/21 to |
10/05/21 to 06/08/21 |
Year Two:
Semester One | Semester Three |
7 week | 20 Weeks |
05/10/20 to 20/11/20 |
05/04/21 to |