Professor Corey Dolgon - Higher Education Community Based Learning Workshop held at UCC
On May 3rd 2018 Professor Corey Dolgon from Stonehill College Massachusetts came to UCC to present on the basics of designing a Community Based Learning (CBL) course. UCC staff were joined by colleagues from Trinity College Dublin and Galway-Mayo Institute of Technology. Over the course of two workshops Professor Dolgon explored the pedagogy and social justice underpinnings of community based learning, which is an experiential learning approach that fosters collaboration between universities and the community as an integral part of a course or module. This involves active learning embedded in the curriculum, with global and local citizenship as a core value and outcome. Professor Dolgon is an internationally known community engagement educator and Fulbright Scholar. His prior teaching appointments include Harvard University, where he was a visiting professor from 2000-2003, and Clark University. His latest book is Kill It to Save It: An Autopsy of Capitalism's Triumph over Democracy, Policy Press (2017).
Professor Dolgon’s Presentation can be accessed here:Pedagogies of Hope
If you, or your students, are interested in becoming involved with CARL please visit our website We have a number projects available for the coming year suitable for both undergraduate and postgraduate students across a range of disciplines. Also, if you are involved in a non‐profit community group you can encourage the group to submit research proposals that can be added to the list of available projects for students to choose from.
For more information please contact CARL co‐ordinators Anna Kingston or William O’Halloran