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Staff Safety Reps

Staff Safety Representatives, Period: 2024-2027

In accordance with the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, employees are entitled to select one or more Safety Representatives to represent them on Occupational Health, Safety, and Welfare (OH&S) issues with their employer. The Safety Representative may act on their behalf in consultations with the head of their College, School, Department, Centre, Unit, and the University once normal channels have been exhausted.

Earlier this year, the Enterprise Risk Management Function and the UCC Inter Union Group (IUG) organised an Expression of Interest process, resulting in the selection and training of 23 self-nominated volunteers to serve as Staff Safety Representatives.  Each representative is responsible for one or more specific UCC buildings to ensure thorough and effective coverage.  Please see the list below for details.

The primary mechanism for resolving staff health, safety and welfare issues is internally within the relevant department, School, College, or Functional Area line management channels.  This approach aligns with the line management responsibility for health and safety as outlined in the UCC Health and Safety Policy.

Staff may contact their Safety Representative for support once their attempts to adequately resolve a matter within the day-to-day management of the department have been exhausted.  Line management, including Principal Investigators (PI), are obliged under SHWW law to; a) Consult with staff and Safety Representatives; and b) Give due consideration to safety issues raised by staff and Safety Representatives.

In line with the Safety, Health, and Welfare at Work Act, responsibility for managing health and safety rests with the ‘Responsible Person’, who is the most senior person involved in overall activity.    Typically, the ‘responsible persons’ include the Head of College, Head of Functional Area, School, or department, the Principal Investigator (PI), Course Coordinator, Director, or Team Manager.  Responsible persons manage health, safety and welfare within their respective areas, making decisions and taking actions, on behalf of the School/Department. This enables the School/Department to comply with UCC Safety Policy and safety legislation.  It should be noted that even where a Safety Representative provides support or assistance the Responsible Person retains responsibility and accountability through appropriate mechanisms, such as supervision and safety audit. 

We are confident that this collaborative approach will enhance the safety and well-being of our entire University community.

In the meantime, please remember that you can access professional support and advice on all health and safety matters through the Enterprise Risk Management Function.  For assistance, contact our Helpdesk at

Current Staff Safety Representatives

No. Safety Representative Name & Email Address Safety Representative's Functional Area Safety Representative Allocated to the following UCC Building Groups/Locations Number of Safety Representatives covering these Building Groups/Locations
1 Jim McEvoy - Email: International Office College Rd, Sheraton Ct, Perrott Avenue, Donovan's Rd, Glucksman, Geography, Aras na Mac Leinn, Western Rd, Gaol Walk (incl. west Lodge) 2
2 Marie O Regan - Email: Quality Enhancement Unit College Rd, Sheraton Ct, Perrott Avenue, Donovan's Rd, Glucksman, Geography, Aras na Mac Leinn, Western Rd, Gaol Walk (incl. west Lodge)
3 Eric Kennedy - Email: General Services Office General Services Distributed Locations, Student HUB, the Main & Mini Restaurant and Calm Zone 1
4 Tara Foley - Email: Anatomy & Neuroscience Western Gateway, Brookfield Health Sciences, Assert and ERI 3
5 Gerard Moloney - Email: Anatomy & Neuroscience Western Gateway, Brookfield Health Sciences, Assert and ERI
6 Youngin Ó Sé - Email: School of Computer Science & IT Western Gateway, Brookfield Health Sciences, Assert and ERI
7 Noelle Sexton - Email: Biological Service Unit Doughcloyne (incl Biological Services Unit) 1
8 Anna Toner - Email: Medicine & Health (College Admin Offices) The Quad, Boole Complex, O'Rahilly Bld, Erinville and Pouladuff 1
9 Kathryn Bermingham - Email: Biochemistry & Cell Biology Biosciences Bldg, Cavanagh Pharmacy Building 2
10 Orla Cox - Email: Biochemistry & Cell Biology Biosciences Bldg, Cavanagh Pharmacy Building
11 Joanne Murphy - Email: School of Computer Science & IT Irish Ashley Cummins (former Civil Eng. Bldg) & Electrical Engineering & Observatory 1
12 AnnaMaria Hogan - Email: Chemistry Kane 2
13 Brian Clayton - Email: IT Services Kane
14 Derek Walsh - Email: Applied Psychology Lapps Quay and Nano Nagle Place 1
15 Helena Burns - Email: Human Resources Entire Foodscience Complex (incl Block E) and Aras Na Laoi 1
16 Ian Power - Email: ERI (Beaufort)  Beaufort 1
17 * Eileen Hurley - Secretary - Email: Tyndall Tyndall, Connolly Building, and Granary Building 3
18 * Dermot Houston - Chair - Email: Tyndall Tyndall, Connolly Building, and Granary Building
19 Deirdre Conway - Email: Tyndall Tyndall, Connolly Building, and Granary Building
20 Jennifer Barrett - Email: International Office St Vincents, North Mall Complex, Clinical Research Facility (2nd Fl of Mercy Hospital) 1
21 Mark Towler - Email: Buildings Office Incl Works Dept Building & Estates Occupied Buildings, Plantrooms etc., and Sports Complex's (Curaheen, Mardyke, Ferry Lodge) 1
22 Gemma Napier - Email: Dental School & Hospital (General) CUH Campus (incl Clinical Science Building, Cork University Dental School & Hospital (Top Floor of Maternity Hospital)) 2
23 David O Leary - Email: Dental School & Hospital (Admin Offices) CUH Campus (incl Clinical Science Building, Cork University Dental School & Hospital (Top Floor of Maternity Hospital))


Frequently Asked Questions - UCC Staff Safety Representatives

1. How did the Staff Safety Representative role come into being?

  • In accordance wth the SHWW Act 2005, Employees are entitled to select a Safety Representative, to represent them on Occupational Health, Safety and Welfare (OH&S) issues with their Employer
  • The Act requires the employer to consult with employees

2. Does the Staff Safety Representative role have duties?

  • No. Under the 2005 Act, other than the Safety & Health duties that apply to employees generally, a Staff Safety Representative does not have any duties, but has functions
  • If a Safety Rep needs to perform these functions during the working day, they can request reasonable time off for this

3. Can you describe a typical day in the life of a Staff Safety Representative in UCC?

  • There is a Team of UCC's Safety Reps distributed throughout the University
  • Most days are normal working days, however when and if an OH&S issue arises, Safety Reps may be able to assist with a small but important input

4. What support is available for someone starting as a new Staff Safety Represenative?

  • Any staff member interested in putting their name forward for the role of a Safety Rep can be assured of the following:
    • That the University will organise all the training they require to be confident in carrying out the role successfully
    • That experience in the role is gained over time
    • That they will never feel alone and will be very much a part of a team, able to contact one of their fellow Staff Safety Reps for assistance whenever they need it

5. What is the function of the Staff Safety Representative in UCC?

  • As a Safety Rep, you will contribute to a safer and healthier environment for staff, students and visitors. From time to time, Safety Reps may:
    1. Represent staff on Safety, Health and Welfare matters (e.g. on a Safety Action Team/Committee or other group)
    2. Carry out safety tours of workplaces on request
    3. Review Accident/Dangerous Occurrence reports and contribute if appropriate
    4. Contribute to initiatives that improve Safety Culture, raise Safety, Health & Welfare awareness etc., all very much focused on the employees point of view

6. Is there a forum whereby employees can have their views heard about Safety, Health and Welfare matters?

  • University Functional Areas may have one or more groups that come together periodically, to consult/collaborate/review performance on Occupational Safety & Health matters in their area. Theses groups are generally comprised of employer and employee representatives, from all areas, served by that group. UCC Staff Safety Reps are often invited to attend these groups
  • The key function of the Safety Rep is to facilitate consultation on Safety, Health & Welfare between employer and employees
  • The University has a Safety Representative Forum. The aim of the Forum is to enhance the Safety, Health and Welfare of employees at work and help safeguard students and others affected by the work of UCC and secure legal compliance through consultation.

7. What is the procedure if a member of staff wants to resolve a Safety, Health and Welfare issue?

  • In the first instance, staff should report any issues to their line manager. However, if they require, they can ask for the assistance of one of their Safety Reps
  • Notwithstanding the above, staff can approach their Safety Repo for assistance at any time, which fully respecting the role of Line Management regarding Safety, Health and Welfare. The initial assistance involves:
    • Clarifying that nobody is in immediate danger, and the situation has been made safe
    • Asking the staff member if normal procedures have been followed in the first instance. In most cases this would lead to a successful resolution. In the event it is not successful, a person can escalate to the next level or process it with their Safety Rep
  • Safety Reps are always available to carry out safety tours of workplaces for staff, on request. However, in the event of an imminent danger, communication would be initiated for immediate investigation/appropriate action.
  • In circumstances where Safety Reps are made aware of imminent danger, immedicate action should be taken to address the risk. If not already done, this should also be brought to the attention of the responsible person or manager.

8. What is the procedure for investigating an Accident or Dangerous Occurrence?

  • As a Staff Safety Rep, you are automatically consulted on Accident/Dangerous Occurrences
  • Part of the Safety Rep's rights include monitoring the incoming reports and contributing if appropriate

9. Apart from investigating Accidents, conducting Safety Tours, attending periodic meetings, what other activities does a Staff Safety Rep get involved in?

The following are some of the Awareness/Safety Culture Seminars organised for Staff, by the Safety Rep Team in the past:

  • HSA's On-line Risk Assessment Tool (lunchtime seminar)
  • Chemical Safety Compliance with the SHWW (Chemical Agents) Regulations, 2001 IT Tool that can help you (lunchtime seminar)
  • Going forward we hope to be present at the President's Orientation/Information Café.

10. Why would someone consider taking on the role of UCC Staff Safety Representative?

  • There is a longstanding history of UCC Staff volunteering for roles extracurricular to their normal work duties, for the benefit of the University Community. Putting yourself forward for the role of Staff Safety Representative falls into this category.
  • As a Staff Safety Rep, even though you are contributing mainly in the background, you benefit from:
    • the camaraderie of being part of a highly motivated team
    • the professional development, training and experience gained
    • the huge satisfaction of helping others
    • working for the greater good of the University Community.

11. Additional resources/links that may be helpful.

Health & Safety Office

Sláinte agus Sábháilteacht

5 Carrigside, College Road, Cork
