Caoimhe Lynch (Anatomy and Neuroscience)
From a young age, I have been fascinated by the human body and how its complex and diverse mechanisms work in concert to maintain homeostasis. Moreover, how these various mechanisms are influenced by an individual’s environment and how they differ in specific diseases and disorders. My passion for research fuels my desire to excel; I graduated top of a competitive undergraduate Biochemistry class at UCC and was awarded two Summer research bursaries in microbiota-gut-brain axis research.
Advancing my career, I am honoured to have the opportunity to complete a PhD in the Department of Anatomy and Neuroscience under the supervision of Prof. John Cryan and Dr Gerard Clarke. My PhD investigates the role of the gut microbiota and its metabolites in shaping myelination patterns during critical windows of early life. Indeed, the willingness, enthusiasm and support from staff and colleagues have not only enabled me to achieve my goals to date, but also allowed me to be involved in a variety of activities outside of the laboratory such as the CoMH student postgraduate committee. The skills I have developed during my studies have provided me with indispensable opportunities that help me understand, and hopefully, one day solve, the complex problems that face humanity. - Caoimhe Lynch
Welcome from Professor Yvonne Nolan, Vice-Dean of Graduate Studies
I am delighted to welcome you to the Graduate Studies website of the College of Medicine and Health (CoMH). If you are a current or prospective graduate student, you will find relevant information on this site.
The Graduate Student Research at the College of Medicine and Health
The Graduate Studies team in the CoMH is committed to facilitating the highest quality experience for our graduate research students. A Student-Centred culture is promoted such that graduate research students are valued as emerging healthcare or health sciences professionals. Lifelong and Life-wide learning for professional development is enabled through transferrable skills training modules, workshops, digital badge microcredentials and mentoring in line with the Irish University Association Graduate Skill’s statement. Particular attention is given to the professional and holistic development of graduates. Supervisor support and training is also provided to underpin the high quality of research supervision for our research students. Shared responsibility and respect are central to the supervisor-student relationship. Overall, we are committed to the supporting our students to achieve and succeed in whatever area of education or research they are pursuing, including translation of learning into their work lives, and advancing their careers.
What supports are available to Graduate Students on the research journey in CoMH?
As a graduate student in the CoMH you will be part of a vibrant scholarly community.
As well as the supervisory team, who are responsible for the overall direction of the graduate student’s research, committee groups are active in supporting graduate education.
1. The CoMH Graduate Committee has representation from the Schools and research Centres. We develop and implement activities for an optimal student experience in graduate education and provide strategic oversight of graduate education in the CoMH.
2. An active Postgraduate Student Committee is the voice of the graduate community. Students on the committee liaise with and listen to students in their Centre/School, organize social and academic events and lead initiatives important to the graduate student body.
If you are a current student or thinking about studying with us, I encourage you to avail of all the academic support and recreational resources provided for you. Enjoy the journey!
The Mission for Graduate Studies in the College of Medicine and Health
To advance curiosity-driven professionalism and research excellence for health-related global challenges, in a student-centred, respectful and inclusive environment.