Crisis Contacts

Emergency Numbers

In the event of an emergency please contact the emergency services by dialling 999 or 112.

Crisis Text Line

Text UCC to 50808 to chat anonymously with a trained volunteer 24/7. Any issue, any time. 

Crisis Supports

If you need to speak to someone immediately contact

  • Samaritans:; Freephone 116 123; 24 hour support
  • Pieta House: Freephone 1800 247 247; 24 hour support for people at risk of self-harm
  • Aware: Freephone 1800 804 848 (10am – 10pm)

If you consider yourself at risk of self-harm contact your GP, South Doc or your nearest Accident and Emergency unit.

  • HSE’s list of out-of-hours health centres in your area or county
  • Anglesea St. Garda HQ: Telephone: +353 (0)21 452 2000 Open 24 hours
  • CUH Accident and Emergency: Telephone: +353 (0)21 492 0230 Open 24 hours
  • South Doc: Telephone: 1850 335 999  Evenings and Weekends

Keep Well

Bí Sláintúil

East Wing, Main Quadrangle, UCC,
