Cork Discovers - A World of Research

The School of Food and Nutritional Science is delighted to take part in ‘Cork Discovers – A World of Research,’ a series of free, exciting and interactive events for all ages taking place in venues across Cork City on Friday, September 27th, 2019.
Professor Alan Kelly is delivering a workshop to primary school children on ‘The Magic of Milk.’ PhD student Megan Ross will demonstrate how 3D printing can be used to print food in the Discovery Hall, UCC Student Centre. Dr Ritika Puri, Marie Curie Career FIT research fellow in the Food Ingredients Research Group, will also be showcasing some of her research outputs as part of the Food Unfolded initiative – a digital platform that creates and shares content on the latest food and agriculture innovations. ‘Cork Discovers’ is part of European Researchers’ night. The aim is to bring researchers closer to the public and to increase awareness of the impact of research on daily life. The full programme is available at