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Yang Chen wins EPA award
Yang Chen wins EPA award
UCC Student Awarded Prize for Best Oral Presentation
Yang Chen, PhD student in the Department of Chemistry and Environmental Research Institute, was awarded the prize for Best Oral Presentation at the 9th Annual EPA Postgraduate Conference. Over 70 researchers from Universities and Institutes of Technology in Ireland attended the event, held in the Gresham Hotel, Dublin, Thursday 17th November 2011.
Yang, presented results from his EPA-sponsored work on the “Atmospheric Degradation of Naphthalene”. Working under the supervision of Dr John Wenger, Yang has found that naphthalene, which is emitted from vehicle exhausts and domestic solid fuel burning, is an important source of particulate pollution and impacts on air quality in urban areas. The results of this research are valuable in improving our understanding of the sources and impacts of air pollution. Further details of research in this area are available at the Centre for Research into Atmospheric Chemistry webpage:
Photo: PhD student Yang Chen (left) and research supervisor Dr John Wenger.