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  • Dr Dug Cubie's main research interests are in the areas of humanitarian action, disaster law, climate justice and refugee protection. Dug worked in refugee and humanitarian practice for over 10 ears, before completing a PhD on the right to humanitarian assistance in natural and human made disasters. Dug is a co-editor of the Yearbook of International Disaster Law, and has published widely in the fields of disaster law, humanitarian action and forced displacement, including his 2017 monograph, The International Legal Protection of Persons in Humanitarian Crises: Exploring the Acquis Humanitaire (Hart Publishing). 
  • Dr Marie Aronsson-Storrier conducts research in global law and disasters, with a particular focus on international law-making and disaster risk reduction. She holds a PhD in international law from the University of Melbourne (2017). Her current research explores the role of (international) law in creating and addressing disaster risk, including questions around root causes of risk, the protection of nature, and the inclusion of marginalised groups and persons in law- and decision-making processes. Marie has published widely on international law and disasters, including the edited collections The Cambridge Handbook of Disaster Risk Reduction and International Law (CUP, 2019) and Defining Disaster: Disciplines and Domains (Edward Elgar, 2022).
  • Dr Tommaso Natoli completed a 2-year IRC-MSCA CAROLINE Research Fellowship between 2019-2021 in partnership with the International Federation of Red Cross & red Crescent Societies’ Disaster Law programme. His research project was entitled “Leave No-One Behind – Developing Climate-Smart/Disaster Risk Management Laws that Protect People in Vulnerable Situations for a Comprehensive Implementation of the UN Agenda 2030.


Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights

School of Law, University College Cork, Ireland
