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Dr Samantha Morgan-Williams

Research/ Teaching:  

Access to Justice, Housing Rights, Minority and Indigenous Rights, Traveller Rights, Clinical Legal Education, Social-Justice Informed Education, Courtroom Ethnography and International Human Rights Law.

Tel. +353 21 490 2699.  E-mail


Deputy Director

Dr Luke Noonan


Criminal Law, Criminal Defences, Mental Health, Evidence, Human Rights

Tel. +353 21 490 2223. E-mail


Executive Board of the CCJHR:

As an interdisciplinary centre, the CCJHR is proud to have members drawn from across UCC, including from the School of Law, Department of Philosophy and Department of Sociology & Criminology.

School of Law:

Professor Ursula Kilkelly 
Research/ Teaching:  
Children's rights, including education, family and justice issues, juvenile justice, moot court, international trade law 
Tel. +353 21 490 3642.  E-mail


Professor Caroline Fennell 
Research/ Teaching:  
Law of Evidence, Criminal Justice, Terrorism and Organised Crime. 
Tel. +353 21 490 2547.  E-mail


Dr Catherine O'Sullivan 
Research/ Teaching:  
Criminal Law, Criminology, Gender and the Law, Feminist Legal Theory
Tel. +353 21 490 3285.  E-mail

Dr Claire Murray
Maternal and Reproductive rights, Mental Health and Capacity Law.
Tel. +353 21 490 3809.  E-mail


Ms Dorothy Appelbe 
Criminal Justice; Criminal Process & Procedure, Clinical Legal Education
Tel. +353-21-490 3203.  E-mail   

Dr Darius Whelan 
Research/ Teaching:  
Mental Health Law, Internet Regulation, Employment and Labour Law
Tel. +353 21 490 3452.  E-mail  

Dr Aisling Parkes
Research/ Teaching:  
International Children's Rights, Child law, Rights of Children with Parents in Prison, Sports law, Mediation and ADR, Adoption law and practice, Rights of Children in Family Law Proceedings, Voice of the Child and Child Participation.
Tel. +353 21 420 5167.  E-mail   

Dr Fiona Donson 
Research/ Teaching:  
Administrative Justice, Criminal Justice, Access to Justice, Penology, Traveller Rights
Tel. +353 21 490 3159.  E-mail 

Dr Nessa Lynch (Matheson Lecturer in Law, Innovation and Technology) 
Research/ Teaching:  
Law and emerging technology, artificial intelligence and human rights, policing, surveillance, youth justice.
Tel. +353 21 490 2000.  E-mail 

Dr Dug Cubie (on sabbatical 2024)
Research/ Teaching:  
Disaster Law, International Humanitarian Law, Immigration and Refugee Law, International Human Rights Law
Tel. +353 21 490 2223.  E-mail 

Professor Conor O'Mahony (on sabbatical 2024)
Research/ Teaching:  
Constitutional Law, Child Rights
Tel. +353 21 490 3041.  E-mail 

Professor Femi Amao
Research/ Teaching:  
Company Law, Sustainability, Business & Human Rights, Law and Regulation.
Tel. +353 21 490 2220.  E-mail

Dr Henrietta Zeffert
Research/ Teaching:  
Human Rights, Housing Rights, International law, Socio-economics Rights and Substantive Equality (Home and Housing).
Tel. +353 21 490 2220.  E-mail 

Áine Bernadette Mannion (Postgraduate Representative)

PhD Title: 'An Evidence Base For The Number Of Children In Detention: The Role Of Garda Diversion And Judicial Decision-Making'

Research/ Teaching Interests: Criminal Justice, Childrens Rights, Research Methods, Child Detention, Serious and Sexual Offending


Department of Philosophy:

Dr Vittorio Bufacchi

Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy, UCC
T: +353-21-490-3000 F: +353 21 490 2567 E:

Department of Criminology:

Dr Katharina Swirak

Deputy Head of Criminology, Department of Sociology, UCC

T: +353-21-490-2318 E: 


Professor Maggie O'Neill

Professor in Sociology & Criminology at University College Cork and Director of ISS21, Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century and UCC Futures: Collective Social Futures

T: +353-21-490-2894 E: 

Dr Orla Lynch

Criminology, Department of Sociology, UCC

T: +353-21-490-2318 E:


Associate Members

Professor Mary Donnelly 
Research/ Teaching:  
Medical Law and Ethics, Capacity Law, Consumer Protections. 
Tel. +353 21 490 2857.  E-mail  

Professor Deirdre Madden 
Research/ Teaching:  
Medical Law, Ethics
Tel. +353 21 490 2990.  E-mail  


The CCJHR also welcomes visiting researchers for research visits within the fields of staff expertise listed above and within criminal justice and human rights more broadly. 

Please contact CCJHR Director, Dr Samantha Morgan-Williams if you are interested in visiting the CCJHR as a visiting scholar: 

Centre for Criminal Justice and Human Rights

School of Law, University College Cork, Ireland
