Korean Studies UCC- University of Bologna Joint Conference
CONGRATULATIONS to the amazing students from Korean Studies at UCC who participated at a 2-day joint conference with the amazing students from Università di Bologna, Italy. The conference was fully funded by an award from the Academy of Korean Studies and hosted in Bologna by Professor Marco Milani, and co-organised by Dr Kevin Cawley, UCC.
Please find the program overview below which highlights the vast array of papers presented by the students, dealing with topics such as gender, technomorphism, feminism, religion, the Korean War, North Korea and reunification. The papers presented by the students were insightful and professional - everyone involved was extremely impressed!
On behalf of our UCC students, Dr Cawley would like to extend a huge 'Grazie' to Professor Milani for this great event, and another 'Grazie' to Dr Mary Lou Emberti Gialloreti for all her help co-ordinating things for us all in Bologna.