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Sharon Lambert honoured with the 2018 UCC Staff Impact Award

12 Nov 2018
Dr Sharon Lambert pictured with UCC President Patrick O'Shea

Congratulations to Sharon Lambert who was honoured with the 2018 UCC Staff Impact Award.

The Selection Committee summarised her nomination in the following statement.

''Sharon’s research and teaching interests centre on the impact of trauma on the brain and behavior and how services can utilize such research in service design and delivery. She seeks to challenge the narratives about vulnerable people by referencing research that highlights the impact on development of exposure to adversity.

Sharon has worked closely with service providers to reshape service provision and her work has had immediate and applied impact on the provision of services to vulnerable people. The Cork Simon Community is one such service that has adopted a model of Trauma Informed Care for their services and supports for people experiencing homelessness. For Cork Simon, Sharon’s impact resulted in a very important shift in understanding and organisational culture with clear positive social benefits.

Her Trauma Informed Care model can be re-created and retro-fitted to other services working within social care and health settings, and is an exemplar of how UCC can be responsive to community and social issues through research and a commitment to action.''

School of Applied Psychology

Síceolaíocht Fheidhmeach

Cork Enterprise Centre, North Mall, Cork.,
