There’s something in the ether...
The CUH Anaesthesia department has been rising to the challenge of keeping up morale and being sociable while maintaining social distance and a large workload. As a part of this, we held two contests over the Hallowe’en: a Jack O ‘Lantern competition and a baby photo guessing game.
The standard of pumpkin carving varied from great to incredible. Some of our colleagues have vast experience in this art – one has even carved a pumpkin underwater in SCUBA gear! A range of equipment was utilised as well – manicure sets, ice cream scoops and scalpels all featured. Some of the pumpkins were genuinely scary (though I am a terrible wuss), but some were adorable.
Much to no one’s surprise, the list of champions was lengthy. The prizes were small but the glory will last a lifetime.
The baby photos included some genuinely mortifying pictures that we won’t share here. Turns out that some of our colleagues were cool in the past, some were very pious, and some had hilarious Hallowe’en costumes. We will continue to guess who was who, and then tease them about it, for months to come.
We set up a lovely Trick or Treat station in the office to ensure high spirits and high sugar levels. This was also a big hit with our nursing, portering and surgical colleagues.
Our inaugural departmental newsletter was distributed by email to remind everyone of all the good things that have happened in the department in the past few months: the important milestones of new babies and exams passed. We intend on repeating this when we have enough good news and photos to fill another one.
Dr Aoife O’Loughlin (SpR), Dr Claire Healy (SHO), Dr Oonagh Hickey Consultant), Department of Anaesthesia Department, Cork University Hospital