SEFS Inaugural Professorial Lecture series.
Professor Gregorio Iglesias recently delivered an engaging talk on his research in the area of wind energy under climate change as part of the SEFS College Inaugural Professorial Lecture series.
Prof Iglesias is Professor of Marine Renewable Energy at UCC and Honorary Professor of Coastal Engineering at the University of Plymouth. He held a Marie Curie individual fellowship focused on the effects of wave farms on coastal processes (WaveImpact), and recently acted as an expert witness on behalf of Spain’s State Ports on the new, €500M breakwater at the Port of Gijon (Spain).
Prof Iglesias has secured over €12M research income as Principal Investigator, published over 160 peer-reviewed journal papers, and has recently authored / edited: Wave and Tidal Energy (Wiley) and Ocean Energy and Coastal Protection (Springer). With 5459 citations, his h-index is 41. (pictured l to r) Professor Jorge Oliveira, Head, School of Engineering, Prof Gregorio Iglesias and Professor Brian O'Gallachóir, Director, MAREI.