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Image from the Feminist Walk of Cork July 2024, credited to Marcin Lewandowski

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News and Events

31 Jan 2025

Women of the Borderlands: Official Launch and Public Presentation

The Women of the Borderlands research team would like to extend a warm invitation to the public to attend the project's official launch and presentation on February 19th, 2025, at 12 p.m. in the Pinewood Suite at the Carrickdale Hotel, Dundalk.On February 19th, we invite you to join us as we formally unveil the Women of the Borderlands project to the public. Our team will speak about the project and its main findings and recommendations alongside a panel of speakers from partner organisations the Northern Ireland Rural Women’s Network and Women’s Development and Resource Agency.Please RSVP before February 12th: feel free to share the invitation with other interested persons or organisations.Refreshments will be served.
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17 Nov 2023

Book Launch: Social Networks And Migration - Relocations, Relationships and Resources

Join us for the launch of Professor Louise Ryan's book at 4pm on Nov 20th at the Dora Allman Room in the HUB, UCC, This event takes places as part of the UCC Futures Festival of Social Sciences. Leading migration researcher Louise Ryan's topical and intersectional book provides rich insights into migrants' social networks. It draws on more than 200 interviews with migrants who followed various transnational routes in every decade since the 1940s, in order to build valuable longitudinal perspectives and comparisons. With a particular focus on London, it charts how social networks are formed and sustained, how trust is developed and how social support is accessed, and explores the key oppportunities and obstacles that migrants might encounter. This is a seminal fusion of migration studies and social network analysis that casts new light on both subjects essential for those interested in immigration, ethnicity, diversity and inequalities.  Professor Louise Ryan is Senior Professor of Sociology and Director of the Global Diversities and Inequalities Research Centre at London Metropolitan University. Refreshments served from 3.45pm.
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Dr Mastoureh Fathi
15 Sep 2023

Belonging & Narrative Symposium

Congratulations to Dr Mastoureh Fathi for organising this exciting symposium, and Department of Sociology & Criminology, UCC, and The Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century, UCC, for supporting it: Belonging and Narrative Symposium, Sept 20, 13.00-16.00  ORB G027   Belonging & Narrative Symposium Programme  
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Professor Maggie O'Neill
30 May 2023

Professor Maggie O'Neill elected to the Royal Irish Academy

Congratulations to Professor Maggie O'Neill on being elected to the Royal Irish Academy (RIA), the highest academic honour in Ireland! All of us in the Department of Sociology & Criminology, UCC, are very proud of Maggie's success. This wonderful recognition comes a few months after the great news that Maggie is now the Director of UCC Futures - Collective Social Futures and incoming Director of ISS21 in July - The Institute for Social Science in the 21st Century.
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A community of the the most helpful people, most brilliant minds that can help me find the most fulfilling career path that I am looking for.

Amanda Shoemaker- Sociology of Development and Globalisation

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During my time here my time inside and outside the classroom have really allowed me to hone in on my research skills

Kathleen White - MA Sociology

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Como estudiante de posgrado de la Maestría en Sociología del desarrollo y globalización en UCC, he disfrutado la experiencia con docentes bien preparados y un ambiente lleno de diversidad el cual ha e

Brenda Mondragón - MA Sociology

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I often say that choosing UCC is one of the important turning points in my life. In addition, learning sociology helps me to understand and cope with changes in society and how to think about the dive

Meilan - MA Sociology

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Department of Sociology & Criminology

Socheolaíocht & Coireolaíocht

Askive, Donovan's Road, University College Cork, Cork, Ireland, T12 DT02
