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Postgraduate Programmes

The Department of Early and Medieval Irish offers many taught and research programmes at postgraduate level. Click on the People and Publications page to see more detail about the research activities of staff members. For an informal discussion about postgraduate study with us, contact the Head of Department, Prof. John Carey ( Formal applications for entry to a research degree must be made through the Graduate School, College of Arts, Celtic Studies & Social Sciences

Taught Programmes

The following taught programmes at Postgraduate level are available in the Department:

Higher Diploma in Arts - Celtic Civilisation

MA in Celtic Civilisation

MA in Early and Medieval Irish

MA in The Beginnings of Irish Christianity

Online MA in Irish Mythology and Folklore 

Information Booklet for the 2024-2025 Online MA in Irish Mythology and Folklore: MAIMF Course Practicalities, Module Content and Indicative Timetable

Research Programmes

The following research programmes are available in the Department:

MPhil. / PhD

Postgraduate Flexi-Options

Details of Flexi-Options are available here:

Postgraduate Flexi-Options

Current Postgraduates

Philip Robert Healy, PhD Student: 'Unwilling Guests: Hostages in Medieval and Early Modern Ireland' (Supervisors: Prof. Máire Herbert and Dr David Edwards, School of History).

Iordanis Notaridis, PhD Student: 'The Warrior Ethos in Medieval Irish Literature: Identity, Gender and Evolution' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

Catherine Ostrander, PhD Student: 'Forging Dynasties: The rise of Diarmait Mac Cerbaill' (Supervisor: Dr Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh).

Cian Ó Cionnfhaolaidh, PhD Student: 'Staidéar Criticiúil agus Stairiúil ar Logainmneachaibh na Gaoluinne dar tús 'L', Bunaithe ar fhoinsíbh Seana-Ghaoluinne, Meán-Ghaoluinne Moiche agus ar fhoinsíbh Laidin na hÉireann' (Supervisors: Dr Kevin Murray and Dr Emma Nic Cárthaigh).

Michael Sean Ó Geallabháin, PhD Student: 'Téarmaíocht an Cheoil i Litríocht na Gaeilge 800-1800 A.D.' (Supervisors: Prof. Máire Herbert and Dr Seán Ua Suilleabháin, Roinn na Nua-Ghaeilge).

Emmet Taylor, PhD Student: 'Heroes and Heroism in Medieval Irish Literature'. (Supervisor: Prof John Carey).

Ilona Tuomi, PhD Student: 'Charms and Charming in Early Medieval Ireland: the Written Environment and the Ritual Performance of the St. Gall Incantations' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey).

Recent Postgraduates

2023: Gormfhlaith Ní Shíocháin Ní Bheoláin. MA dissertation: ‘An Draíocht, an Chumhacht agus an Drochiompar i Scéalta na Gaelainne’ (Supervisor: Dr Emma Nic Cárthaigh)

2023: Francesco Amatruda. MA dissertation: ‘The Ríastrad between Symbol and Myth’ (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey)

2023: Suzanne Fitzmaurice. MA dissertation: ‘Dayenu: That Alone Would Have Been Enough Women Religious in Early Medieval Ireland’ (Supervisor: Dr Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh)

2023: Johanna Klein. MA dissertation: ‘Il-Phíastach: The Narrative Function of the Medieval Irish Monster’ (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray)

2023: Freya Smith. MA dissertation: ‘The Dindshenchas of ‘Tipra Sengarmna: Edition and Analysis’ (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray)

2022: C. Pruetz. MA dissertation: 'Suidiugad Tigi Midchuarta: Edition, Translation, Analysis, and Notes' (Supervisor: Dr Emma Nic Cárthaigh)

2021: Muireann Bergin. MA dissertation: 'Fotha Catha Cnucha: Eagrán agus Aistriú móide Anailís Liteartha agus Teanga' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray)

2021: John Alexander Campbell Cupples. MA dissertation: 'The Ecclesiastical Foundation of Bangor and its Familia in the Early Medieval Period' (Supervisor: Dr Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh)

2021: Danny DiGregorio. MA dissertation: 'Monster Theory as a Suggested Hermeneutic Approach to Medieval Irish Texts' (Supervisor: Dr Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh)

2021: Sigrid Lyse Farstad. MA dissertation: 'Memory and Media in Acallam na Senórach' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey)

2021: Finn Longman. MA dissertation: 'Favourite Charioteer, Beloved Foster-Brother: The Role of Láeg mac Ríangabra in Medieval and Early Modern Ulster Cycle Tales' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray)

2021: Mark Robert Pote. MA dissertation: 'The Mongán of the Mionannála: A Diplomatic Edition, Translation and Analysis of Mongán mac Fíachnae’s Death-Tale' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey)

2021: Fiona O’ Driscoll. MA dissertation: 'Healing Wells and Wounded Warriors: The Presence of Cures and Healing in Early Irish Literature' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey)

2020: Rachel Martin. MA dissertation: 'Kings and Commoners: An Examination of the Fir Bolg in Medieval and Early Modern Irish Literature' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey)

2020: Madison Ann Stacy. MA dissertation: 'The Binary Contracts Present in Early Irish Law: Individual and Social Contracts' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray)

2019: Dr Riona Doolan. PhD thesis: 'Arson in Medieval Ireland: An Analysis of the Sources' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray)

2019: Nina Cnockaert-Guillou. MA dissertation: 'Finn and Mac Lesc, Edition and Literary Analysis' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray)

2019: Mark Hughes: MA dissertation: 'A Study in the Ideology of the Provinces of Ireland' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey)

2019: Criostóir Ó Loingsigh: MA dissertation: ‘The Phonetic Reflexes of Proto-Celtic Rhotics (and other sounds) in Early Goidelic’ (Supervisor: Dr Aidan Doyle)

2018: Dr Tadhg Ó Síocháin. PhD thesis: 'Caoilte sa Luath-Fhiannaíocht' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray)

2018: Marie Sandra Buckley. MA dissertation: 'Tochmarc Ailbe Wooing or Wisdom Tale?' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray)

2018: Valerie Kelly Curtin: MA dissertation: 'Merugud Cléireach Colm Cilli' (Book of Fermoy) (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey)

2018: Michael Dawson. MA dissertation: 'Church Reform, Traditional Values and Identity in both Manuscripts of the Liber Hymnorum.' (Supervisor: Dr Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh)

2018: Anna-Claire McSweeney. MA dissertation: 'Sáer-ainm Sinda; A linguistic investigation of a Middle-Irish poem and the plausibility of an attribution to Cúán ua Lothcháin' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey)

2017: Connor Gregory. MA dissertation: 'Death and the Separation of Body and Soul as Depicted in Medieval Irish Eschatological Literature' (Supervisor: Dr Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh).

2017: Iordanis Notaridis. MA dissertation: 'The Aire Échta in Medieval Irish Legal Sources' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2016: Dr Ken O'Donoghue. PhD thesis: 'Comthóth Lóegairi co Cretim a Aided: Eagrán maille le hAnailís Liteartha agus Teanga' (Supervisor: Kevin Murray).

2016: Maria Hallinan. MA dissertation: 'The Status of Non-Noble Freemen in Early Medieval Ireland: A Study of Críth Gablach, Uraicecht Becc and Míadṡlechtae' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2016: Catherine Kane. MA dissertation: 'Emerging from the Cave: A study of the cave or síd of Crúachan in Early Irish Literature' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey).

2016: Cian Ó Cionnfhaolaidh. MA dissertation: 'Feis Tighe Chonáin: A window on the medieval Fiannaigheacht tradition' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey).

2016: Jim Reid. MA dissertation: 'The Nature of Gaelic Historical Tradition: The Problem of the Déisi' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2016: Austin Rushnell. MA dissertation: 'Saints' Books as Relics in Early Medieval Ireland' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey).

2016: Courtney Selvage. MA dissertation: 'A Structural and Legal Analysis of Cáin Adomnáin' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2016: Trenton Whitt. MA dissertation: 'Ancient Ireland: A Comparison of the Early History and Pseudohistory of Ireland as it is Preserved in the Earlier Pseudohistorical Texts and Annals up to 432 A.D.' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey).

2016: Nathalie Schneider. PhD thesis: 'Saint, Martyr, Killer of Christ? The Legend of Longinus in Medieval Irish Tradition' (Supervisor: Prof. Máire Herbert).

2015: Emily Twomey. MA dissertation: 'An Intertextual Analysis: Scéla Cano meic Gartnáin' (Supervisor: Dr Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh).

2015: Catherine Ostrander. MA dissertation: 'Bringing Down Tara: Tracing the dual lines of transmission of Aided Diarmata meic Cerbaill' (Supervisor: Dr Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh).

2015: Jody Buckley-Coogan. MA dissertation: 'Recholl Breth: Aistriúchán agus Anailís' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2015: Dr Michelle Therese Doran. PhD thesis: 'Textual Criticism and Medieval Irish Literature' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2015: Dr Marie-Luise Theuerkauf. PhD thesis: 'The Celtic Dragon Slayer: A Literary Analysis of Tochmarc Emire in Connection with Tristan et Iseut' (Supervisors: Prof. John Carey and Prof. Grace Neville, Department of French).

2015: Dr Fangzhe Qiu. PhD thesis: 'Narratives in Early Irish Law Tracts' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey).

2014: Katherine McIvor. MA dissertation: 'Bretha for Techt Medbae: Edition and Analysis' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2014: Gunnhildur Jonatansdottir. MA dissertation: 'An Edition and Translation of the Dinnshenchas of Dún Crimthain' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey).

2014: Tomás Ó hAodha. MA dissertation 'Carn Uí Néit agus an Dindshenchas' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2014: Dr Nicole Volmering. PhD thesis: 'Medieval Irish Vision Literature: A Genre Study' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey).

2013: Tadhg Ó Síocháin. MA dissertation: 'Scéal Ab Dhroimeanaigh: Eagrán Leathdhioplómaitiúil mar aon le Tráchtaireacht Liteartha, Anailís Teanga agus Aistriúchán Béarla' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2013: Mathew Alexander Clements. MA dissertation: 'The Role of Raiding in Medieval Irish Literature and Society.' (Supervisor: Dr Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh).

2013: Dr Heather Colleen Key. PhD thesis: 'Between the Worlds: Otherworld Women as Intermediaries in Early Irish Literature' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey).

2013: Dr Gavin Dillon. PhD thesis: 'Betha Cholmáin maic Luacháin: An Ecclesiastical Microcosm of the Twelfth-century Irish Midlands' (Supervisor: Prof. Máire Herbert).

2012: Martina Maher: MA dissertation: 'De Gabail int Shída: An Edition and Literary Analysis' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2012: Josephine O’Connell: MA dissertation: ‘Airem Muinntari Finn and Anmonna Oesa Fedma Find: Manuscripts, Scribes and Texts' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2011: Paul Quinn. MA dissertation: 'Bretha Comaithchesa: Sources, Scholarship and Statistical Analysis' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2010: Riona Doolan. MA dissertation: 'A Study of the Law Tract Coibnes Uisci Thairidne' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2010: Dr Jimmy Miller (Temple University, Philadelphia). PhD thesis: 'The Role of the Female Warrior in Early Irish Literature: The Case of Tochmarc Emire' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2009: Philip Healy. MA dissertation: 'A Study of Hostages in Medieval Ireland: 600 – 1200' (Supervisor: Prof. Máire Herbert).

2009: Andrew Byrne. MA dissertation: 'The Spear in the Ulster Cycle' (Supervisor: Dr Caitríona Ó Dochartaigh).

2009: Dr Emma Nic Cárthaigh. PhD thesis: 'Staidéar Stairiúil ar Áitainmneacha na Gaeilge dar Tosach ‘D’, Bunaithe ar Fhoinsí Sean-Ghaeilge, Meán-Ghaeilge, Nua-Ghaeilge Moiche agus ar Fhoinsí Laidin na hÉireann: Dá Ailt Déag Doirín Cranncha' (Supervisor: Dr Kevin Murray).

2006: Dr Phillip Andrew Bernhardt-House. PhD thesis: 'Canids in Celtic Cultures: From Celtiberia to Cú Chulainn to the Kennels of Camelot' (Supervisor: Prof. John Carey).

2004: Dr Katja Johanna Ritari. PhD thesis: 'Defining the Christian Life: An Exploration of the Earliest Lives of Saints Brigit and Columba' (Supervisor: Prof Máire Herbert).


Roinn na Sean- agus na Meán-Ghaeilge

Department of Early and Medieval Irish

Bloc A, Urlár na Talún, Áras Uí Rathaille / Block A, Ground Floor, O'Rahilly Building, UCC, Cork
